We want to adapt to changing expectations and needs of our Customers. We also want to efficiently implement new technologies and regulations into our work, which requires an appropriate attitude to management. This is why an essential part of working at the Bank is Agile@Scale transformation. It is not only a collection of practices and methods but first and foremost a mindset common to employees at all levels, which creates a new organisational culture.
Workforce area management and organizational culture
At BNP Paribas Bank Polska S.A. we understand the responsibility in the workplace as creating an environment that supports professional development and involvement of employees. We are convinced that responsible management of the employee area is a key to business success.

Responsibility in the workplace commitments of the Bank – one of the four pillars of a CSR and Sustainability Strategy
- Promotion of diversity in the workplace.
- Creating a welcoming workplace.
- Responsible employment management.
- Dynamic support for employees in their career development
- Constantly learning and developing.
Meeting these commitments also means meeting global UN Sustainable Development Goals.
UN Sustainable Development Goals supported by the Bank within workplace responsibility
Our ambition is to build an innovative workplace that will attract the best candidates from the labour market. Our employees are committed and their actions – effective. Teams are managed by experienced leaders acting in the spirit of Agile and in accordance with values of organisational culture. All these factors contribute to our market success. We ensure that our leaders continuously develop their leadership competences, in the same way as we champion development of all employees. Such stance is indispensable in these digital, ever-changing times.
In 2021, we continued the Fast Forward Strategy 2018-2021 and its integral part: the CSR and Sustainability Strategy. The implementation of the strategy was overseen by the Management Board headed by the CFO. Simultaneously, the Bank was devising a new Strategy for 2022-2024, which was officially realesed in the first quarter of 2022. Sustainable development is going to be one of the key aspects of the new strategy. It is also going to include commitments regarding responsibility towards our current and future employees, which we are already striving to implement. Thus, we are committed to:
- Enhancing the engagement of our employees and developing their talents
- Creating diverse teams of exceptional potential
- Hiring more people with disabilities
- Systemic action towards closing gender pay gap
- Responding to employee’s needs in the area of benefits and trainings
- Strengthening the organisation image as an attractive workplace.
Organisational culture
Our company’s culture is based on values which allow us to develop as organisation and as employees. These values are the foundation of our actions and allow us to achieve goals that we set forth as well as fulfil commitments to our Customers.
In 2021, we updated the values that co-create the organisational culture of the Bank. They are consistent within the BNP Paribas Group, as described in The BNP Paribas Way, which is a document defining both our strengths and issues that need constant work in order to face challenges and ensure a bright future of the BNP Paribas Group.
Bank’s values reflected in everyday work
Before the official release of these new values, we worked intensly for months with priority axes leaders and key stakeholders. We analysed advice both from our employees and Customers and examined best market practices. By the end of 2021 we had completed a number of events which aimed at building up awareness, internalising and operationalising values among the top management. We have begun talks in this regard with all employees of the Bank.
The phrase I CAN DO IT entails both agency and freedom. There is barely a stronger, more positive word. The potential it expresses comes from within: within us, employees; and the entirety of the organisation. I CAN DO IT because I have the ability, power and skills. And foremost: I CAN DO IT because the organisation provides appropriate conditions.
I know I CAN act boldly, I CAN fail and learn from my mistakes in order to avoid them in the future. I CAN suggest simple solutions. I CAN act transparently and voice my intentions and goals openly. I CAN depend on cooperation because together we can achieve more.
In 2022, we are planning further activities directed at promotion of our values and fostering dialogue. We are going to organise workshops, information campaigns and contests. We are going to run inspirational talks and podcasts. We are also going to run the Ambassadors of Culture program. We strive to make the core values a fixture of every aspect of our activity.
Impact of the pandemic on the employment management
In 2021, the Covid-19 pandemic remained one of the biggest challenges in the emplyoment management area. The pandemic accelerated the transformation of work models and pushed us to change attitudes to many elements of responsible employment management at the Bank.
That is why our main goal is still to provide safe working conditions to our employees. We facilitate remote work and implement virtual solutions wherever possible.
We provide psychological support to our employees on a permanent basis and take great care about their welfare. We have switched to a work model based on the Agile approach, which puts flexibility of our leaders in the forefront. We centre our attention on our Customers and their needs, which means experimenting, interdisciplinary cooperation and adapting to the new reality

Rules for submitting complaints and applications
In their activities, The Bank and the Capital Group are guided by high ethical standards, resulting in particular from the law, recommendations of supervisory authorities, standards provided for in the Code of Conduct of the BNP Paribas Group and internal regulations, and in line with the newly adopted values.
All employees are required to comply with applicable standards. They are therefore required to react in situations where they witness unethical or unlawful conduct by other employees of the Bank which raises doubts and indicates a likelihood of infringement.
The Bank ensures that employees have the opportunity to report any such unethical incidents in a discreet and safe manner.
The rules for receiving and examining complaints and applications in employee cases submitted by current and former employees or bank-based organisations representing employees are set out in The Instruction on the Procedure for Dealing with Complaints and Applications in Employee Matters.
All complaints and employee applications are handled by the Department of Employee Relations, Compliance and HR Risk. Additionally, the Executive Director of the Human Resources Management Area is responsible for the process of considering employee complaints and requests. After each calendar quarter, the Executive Director receives a register of complaints and motions in employee matters.
Employee relations
In its activity, the Bank and its subsidiaries are guided by high ethical standards, our values and utmost respect for human rights. We take part in initiatives towards fostering an ethical and safe workspace.
Employee relations management of the Bank is based on:
- provisions of the Labour Law
- values of the BNP Paribas Group
- generally accepted principles of social interaction.
All Bank employees must comply with:
- The BNP Paribas Group Code of Conduct and
- internal Bank’s regulations.
We have a zero-tolerance policy for any instances of personal dignity violations. In order for employer to prevent mobbing, or to react, if it occurs, we have implemented the Anti-mobbing Policy.
We also have a zero-tolerance policy for bullying and sexual harassment in the workplace. To counteract, we have implemented the Code of Conduct for Reports on Bullying and Sexual Harassment in Work Relations.
With these regulations in place, employees can report inappropriate behaviours and infringements without fear of persecution of any kind. Employees are regularly advised on where and how they can report distressing situations. Such reports are handled by the Anti-Mobbing Commission.
More information on our Human Rights Policy is available in the Chapter Management Foundations. Procedures regulating employment are describen in the Chapter Management Foundations, subchapter Due Dilligence Policies and Procedures.

Compliance management in the area of employment
In order to effectively manage compliance in the area of employment, we verify i.a. whether all employees comply with the Anti-Mobbing Policy and respect human rights.
We examine regularly the compliance of processes, procedures and activities pertaining to workplace management with the law, international requirements and EU supervisory bodies, as well as BNP Paribas Group standards.
We scrutinise each process in order to avert litigation with employees, reputation damage, abuse and corruption incidents. We also scrutinise labour market trends which influence recruitment process, motivation models and career paths within the Bank. Once a hazard is identified, the process owner takes actions to minimise the risk and keep it at an acceptably low or moderate level. These actions are monitored and reported within the operational risk management system. Thanks to effective risk management in the employment area, the Bank can attain its strategic business goals.
Employment management in the BNP Paribas Bank Polska S.A. Capital Group
All companies of the BNP Paribas Bank Polska S.A. Capital Group (hereinafter: the Group) manage the employment area with utmost diligence. The key employer in the Group is the parent company, i.e. the Bank.
The companies apply provisions of the labour law applicable in Poland and the European Union. They also adopted global policies of the BNP Paribas Group. The BNP Paribas Group Code of Conduct, the primary regulatory document, is binding for all companies of the Group.
BNP Paribas Group policies are implemented by corresponding departments of the Bank. The departments are responsible for the content and execution of a given area, each of which is regulated by a group procedure. The BNP Paribas Group policies are binding in their original form and may be amended, in cases justified, with internal provisions adapted to the local market. Depending on the specific character of activity, each company of the Group adopts detailed regulations pertaining to employment management.