Integrated Report 2021

Statement of financial position


The Group's total assets as at the end of 2021 amounted to PLN 131,777,481 thousand and were higher by PLN 12,200,193 thousand, or 10.2%, compared to the end of 2020.

The most important change in the Group’s asset structure compared to the end of 2020 was a decrease in the share of the securities portfolio (-3.5 p.p.) with a simultaneous increase in the share of the loan portfolio (sum of portfolios measured at amortised cost and at fair value), which increased by 2.2 p.p. The shares of receivables from banks also increased by 1.3 p.p. and cash and balances with the Central Bank by 0.7 p.p. 

The Group’s asset structure was dominated by loans and advances to customers (sum of portfolios measured at amortized cost and at fair value), which accounted for 65.5% of total assets at the end of 2021 compared to 63.3% at the end of 2020. The increase in the net volume of loans and advances amounted to PLN 10,662,364 thousand (+14.1%) and concerned both the individual customers portfolio (+16.1%) and the corporate customers portfolio (+12.6%). The biggest growth was recorded in mortgage loans (+18.9%).  

The second largest asset item was securities, which accounted for 24.9% of total assets at the end of 2021 (end of 2020: 28.4%). As at 31 December 2021, their value decreased by PLN 1,202,779 thousand (i.e. 3.5%) compared to the end of 2020. The decrease in the portfolio mainly concerned securities measured at fair value through other comprehensive income, including bonds issued by banks and central government institutions. 

Simultaneously with the above changes, there was an increase in the share of receivables from banks from 0.6% to 2.0% (in value terms PLN 1,840,428 thousand i.e. by 237.6%) and an increase in the share of cash and balances with the Central Bank from 2.9% to 3.5% (in value terms PLN 1,209,600 thousand i.e. by 35.3%). 

in PLN’000  31.12.2021 31.12.2020 change
Cash and balances at Central Bank  4,631,477 3,421,877 1,209,600 35.3%
Amounts due from banks  2,615,150 774,722 1,840,428 237.6%
Derivative financial instruments  1,901,919 1,531,617 370,302 24.2%
Fair value adjustment of hedged item  65,465 531,793 (466,328) (87.7%)
Loans and advances to customers measured at amortised cost  85,080,454 74,097,269 10,983,185 14.8%
Loans and advances to customers measured at fair value through profit or loss  1,219,027 1,539,848 (320,821) (20.8%)
Debt securities measured at amortised cost  23,268,041 23,361,022 (92,981) (0.4%)
Financial instruments measured at fair value through profit or loss  347,309 371,900 (24,591) (6.6%)
Debt securities measured at fair value through other comprehensive income  9,143,353 10,228,560 (1,085,207) (10.6%)
Intangible assets   728,475 651,608 76,867 11.8%
Property, plant and equipment  1,243,523 1,479,540 (236,017) (16.0%)
Deferred tax assets  876,599 745,606 130,993 17.6%
Current tax assets  94 55,087 (54993) (99.8%)
Other assets  656,595 786,839 (130,244) (16.6%)
Total assets  131,777,481 119,577,288 12,200,193 10.2%

Loan portfolio

Structure and quality of loan portfolio

At the end of 2021, gross loans and advances to customers (sum of portfolios measured at amortised cost and measured at fair value) amounted to PLN 89,386,369 thousand and increased by PLN 10,386,615 thousand, i.e. by 13.1% compared to the end of 2020.  

The gross portfolio of loans and advances measured at amortised cost in the period under review amounted to PLN 88,042,967 thousand and increased by PLN 10,758,893 thousand or 13.9% compared to the end of 2020. 

in PLN’000  31.12.2021 31.12.2020
PLN’000 share % PLN’000 share %
Business entities with the exception of farmers  35,599,112 40.4% 30,554,320 39.5%
Farmers  7,755,784 8.8% 8,118,713 10.5%
Retail customers 38,817,716 44.1% 33,802,097 43.7%
mortgage loans 26,710,997 30.3% 22,559,727 29.2%
 in PLN 22,141,389 25.1% 17,687,284 22.9%
in foreign currencies 4,569,608 5.2% 4,872,443 6.3%
cash loans 7,701,994 8.7% 7,312,444 9.5%
other retail loans 4,404,725 5.0% 3,929,926 5.1%
Lease receivables  4,989,351 5.7% 4,112,460 5.3%
Public sector  84,487 0.1% 101,382 0.1%
Other financial entities  796,517 0.9% 595,102 0.8%
Gross loans and advances  88,042,967 100.0% 77,284,074 100.0%

Structure of loans and receivables measured at amortised cost

At the end of 2021, gross loans and advances to retail customers amounted to PLN 38,817,716 thousand (up by PLN 5,015,619 thousand or 14.8% compared to the end of 2020). Their share in the loan portfolio measured at amortised cost in the analysed period was 44.1% (+0.4 p.p. compared to the end of 2020). Over two-thirds (68.8%) of credit exposure of individual customers are mortgage loans, which at the end of 2021 amounted to PLN 26,710,997 thousand. In the structure of mortgage loans, 82.9% are loans granted in PLN, while 17.0% are loans granted in CHF (compared to the end of last year, the share of CHF dropped by 4.4 p.p.).  

The gross portfolio of loans and advances to business entities (excluding farmers) amounted to PLN 35,599,112 thousand (an increase by PLN 5,044,792 thousand or 16.5% as compared to the end of 2020). Their share in the analysed loan portfolio at the end of 2021 amounted to 40.4% (+0.9 p.p. compared to the end of 2020). Almost half of this portfolio (49.2%) are current account loans.  

The volume of loans granted to individual farmers at the end of 2021 amounted to PLN 7,755,784 thousand, registering a 4.5% decrease compared to December 2020. 

Lease receivables amounted to PLN 4,989,351 thousand (an increase of 21.3% compared to the end of 2020). Their share in the loan portfolio measured at amortised cost in the analysed period amounted to 5.7% (compared to 5.3% at the end of 2020). 

The volume of loans granted to non-banking financial entities and budget sector institutions totalled PLN 881,004 thousand, registering a 26.5% increase compared to December 2020.      

in PLN’000 31.12.2021 31.12.2020 change 
Total gross loans and advances to customers  88,042,967 77,284,074 10,758,893 13.9%
Impairment allowances  (2,962,513) (3,186,805) 224,292 (7.0%)
Total net loans and advances to customers  85,080,454 74,097,269 10,983,185 14.8%
Exposures without impairment triggers 
Gross carrying value  84,836,248 73,134,823 11,701,425 16.0%
Impairment allowance  (1,123,186) (1,099,866) (23,320) 2.1%
Net balance sheet exposure  83,713,062 72,034,957 11,678,105 16.2%
Impaired exposures (stage 3) 
Gross carrying value  3,206,719 4,149,251 (942,532) (22.7%)
Impairment allowance  (1,839,327) (2,086,939) 247,612 (11.9%)
Net balance sheet exposure  1,367,392 2,062,312 (694,920) (33.7%)
Ratios  31.12.2021 31.12.2020 change
Share of impaired exposures in gross portfolio  3.6% 5.4% (1.7 p.p.)
Coverage with impairment allowances  (57.4%) (50.3%) 7.1 p.p.

in PLN’000  31.12.2021 31.12.2020
Gross total of which:
share % Gross total of which:
share %
Business entities with the exception of farmers  36,480,116 1,240,992 3.4% 31,250,804 1,711,016 5.5%
Farmers  7,755,784 633,557 8.2% 8,118,713 789,395 9.7%
Retail customers  38,817,716 1 127,343 2.9% 33,802,097 1,444,716 4.3%
mortgage loans 26,710,997 522,335 2.0% 22,559,727 672,458 3.0%
in PLN 22,141,389 167,127 0.8% 17,687,284 275,967 1.6%
in foreign currencies 4,569,608 355,208 7.8% 4,872,443 396,490 8.1%
cash loans 7,701,994 489,948 6.4% 7,312,444 595,880 8.1%
other retail loans 4,404,725 115,060 2.6% 3,929,926 176,378 4.5%
Lease receivables  4,989,351 204,827 4.1% 4,112,460 204,124 5.0%
Gross loans and advances 88,042,967 3,206,719 3.6% 77,284,074 4,149,251 5.4%


The ratio of impaired exposures to gross loans and advances to customers and measured at amortized cost was 3.6% at year-end 2021, down 1.7 p.p. compared to year-end 2020. 

Securitization of loans portfolio

In December 2017, the Bank performed a securitization transaction of the portfolio of cash and car loans. The transaction is a traditional securitization involving the transfer of ownership of the securitized receivables to SPV (BGŻ Poland ABS1 DAC based in Ireland). The revolving period is 24 months. Transaction is subject to amortisation since January 2020. 

As a result of securitization, the Bank obtained financing in exchange for the transfer of rights to future cash flows resulting from the securitized loan portfolio in a value of PLN 2,300,471 thousand as of 22 November 2017 (the cut-off date). The maximum deadline for full redemption of bonds and repayment of the loan is 27 April 2032. 

SPV issued bonds with a total value of PLN 2,180,850 thousand on the basis of securitized assets, and received a loan of PLN 119,621 thousand, which were secured by a registered pledge on the rights to cash flows from securitized assets. As at the end of December 2021, the value of bonds and loans amounted to PLN 761,924 thousand. 

The main benefit of the performed transaction is a positive impact on capital adequacy ratios and improvement of liquidity and diversification of financing sources. 

In the light of the provisions of IFRS 9, the contractual terms of the securitization do not fulfil the conditions for derecognition of securitized assets. In connection with the above, the Bank recognizes securitized assets in “Loans and advances to customers” as at 31 December 2021 at net value of PLN 775,591 thousand. 

The Bank acts as a servicer in the transaction. 

Liabilities and equity

As at 31 December 2021, the Group’s total liabilities amounted to PLN 120,415,850 thousand and were PLN 12,869,089 thousand or 12.0% higher than at the end of 2020. The share of liabilities in the Group’s total liabilities and equity was 91.4% in the analyzed period (+1.4 p.p. compared to the end of 2020).  

At the end of 2021, there were no significant changes in the structure of the Group’s liabilities. 

The structure of liabilities is dominated by amounts due to customers. Their share as at 31 December 2021 was 84.0% and increased by 0.2 p.p. compared to the end of 2020. In terms of value, the volume of these liabilities increased by PLN 11,041,937 thousand, i.e. by 12.3% compared to December 2020 and amounted to PLN 101,092,941 thousand. 

The increase of the share in total liabilities by 0.3 p.p. to the level of 6.7% was recorded by amounts due to banks. Their value amounted to PLN 8,012,244 thousand and was higher compared to the end of 2020 by PLN 1,187,350 thousand (i.e. by 17.4%).  

The equity of the Group as at 31 December 2021 amounted to PLN 11,361,631 thousand and decreased compared to 31 December 2020 by 5.6% i.e. by PLN 668,896 thousand. The share of total equity in the Group’s total liabilities and equity was as at 31 December 2021 8.6% (compared to 10.1% at the end of last year).


in PLN’000  31.12.2021 31.12.2020 change 
Amounts due to Central Bank  84,675 (84,675) (100.0%)
Amounts due to banks  8,012,244 6,824,894 1,187,350 17.4%
Derivative financial instruments  1,918,032 1,521,148 396,884 26.1%
Fair value adjustment of hedging instruments and hedged items  44,107 542,719 (498,612) (91.9%)
Amounts due to customers  101,092,941 90,051,004 11,041,937 12.3%
Securities issued  722,628 1,318,380 (595,752) (45.2%)
Subordinated liabilities  4,334,572 4,306,539 28,033 0.7%
Lease liabilities  860,004 968,749 (108,745) (11.2%)
Other liabilities  1,556,289 1,269,243 287,046 22.6%
Current income tax liabilities  175,681 175,681
Provisions  1,699,352 659,410 1,039,942 157.7%
Total liabilities  120,415,850 107,546,761 12,869,089 12.0%
Share capital  147,519 147,419 100 0.1%
Supplementary capital  9,110,976 9,110,976
Other reserve capital  2,946,115 2,208,982 737,133 33.4%
Revaluation reserve  (595,622) 255,833 (851,455) (332.8%)
Retained earnings  (247,357) 307,317 (554,674) (180.5%)
previous years result (423,655) (425,778) 2,123 (0.5%)
net profit for the period 176,298 733,095 (556,797) (76.0%)
Total equity 11,361,631 12,030,527 (668,896) (5.6%)
Total liabilites and equity  131,777,481 119,577,288 12,200,193 10.2%

Amounts due to customers

At the end of December 2021, amounts due to customers amounted to PLN 101,092,941 thousand and were higher by PLN 11,041,937 thousand or 12.3% compared to the end of 2020.  

In terms of entities, the increase mainly concerned amounts due to business entities (balance as at 31.12.2021: PLN 53,418,415 thousand), the volume of which increased by PLN 9,740,909 thousand, i.e. by 22.3% compared to the balance as at the end of 2020, mainly as a result of an increase in current deposits (by PLN 6,991,830 thousand). The share of this segment in the structure of total amounts due to customers increased to 52.8% compared to 48.5% at the end of December 2020.  

An increase in deposit volumes was also recorded in the group of individual customers. Their balance as at the end of December 2021 amounted to PLN 44,771,970 thousand and was by PLN 1,193,141 thousand (or 2.7%) higher than at the end of the previous year. At the same time, the share of individual clients’ deposits in the total liabilities to clients decreased to 44.3% from 48.5% at the end of 2020.  

The volume of deposits from public sector institutions also increased to PLN 1,586,835 thousand, a change of 25.3% compared to the end of 2020.  

However, a decrease was recorded in the group of deposits from non-banking financial entities change in value of PLN 212,977 thousand or 13.9% compared to the end of the previous year. 

in PLN’000 31.12.2021 31.12.2020
PLN’000 share % PLN’000 share %
Current accounts  88,332,287 87.4% 78,495,305 87.2%
Term deposits  11,398,894 11.3% 10,384,101 11.5%
Loans and advances received  101,666 0.1% 0.0%
Other liabilities  1,260,094 1.2% 1,171,598 1.3%
Total amounts due to customers  101,092,941 100.0% 90,051,004 100.0%
  In which: deposits 100,991,275 99.9% 90,051,004 100.0%

The share of current accounts in the structure of total amounts due to customers stood at the end of December 2021 at 87.4%, registering an increase of 0.2 p.p. compared to the end of 2020. Funds deposited in current accounts amounted to PLN 88,332,287 thousand and increased by PLN 9,836,982 thousand or 12.5%. This increase was mainly due to the growth of amounts due to business entities (+ PLN 6,991,830 thousand, i.e. by 17.4%), and due to individual customers (PLN +2,604,196 thousand, i.e. by 7.3%).  

The share of term deposits in the structure of liabilities due to customers in the analyzed period amounted to 11.3% and decreased by 0.3 p.p. compared to the end of 2020. In value terms, term deposits increased by PLN 1,014,793 thousand to PLN 11,398,894 thousand, i.e. by 9.8% compared to December 2020.  

The share of other liabilities and loans and advances received in total in the structure of amounts due to customers was 1.3% (no change compared to December 2020). Their total volume amounted to PLN 1,361,760 thousand.  

The territorial structure of amounts due to the Bank’s customers at the end of 2021 by major regions, in management terms, is presented below. 

Share % 31.12.2021
Warsaw  30.0%
Poznań 15.9%
Cracow  15.7%
Gdańsk 13.4%
Lublin 12.8%
Katowice 6.8%
Other  5.4%


As at 31 December 2021, the equity of the Group amounted to PLN 11,361,631 thousand and was by PLN 668,896 thousand or 5.6% lower than at the end of 2020.  

In accordance with the Resolution No. 6 of the Annual General Meeting of the Bank dated 24.03.2021, the Bank’s profit after tax (net financial result) for the financial year 2020 in the amount of PLN 731,060 thousand was transferred in full to the reserve capital.


Contingent liabilities

The following table presents the value of contingent liabilities granted and received. 

in PLN’000  31.12.2021 31.12.2020 change y/y 
change y/y 
Contingent liabilites granted  43,750,937 38,053,674 5,697,263 15.0%
Liabilities relating to financing  33,487,647 30,220,021 3,267,626 10.8%
Guarantee liabilities  10,263,290 7,833,653 2,429,637 31.0%
Contingent liabilites received  27,524,546 21,911,007 5,613,539 25.6%
Commitments of a financial nature  13,592,590 13,037,589 555,001 4.3%
Commitments of a guarantee nature  13,931,956 8,873,418 5,058,538 57.0%


The amount of long-term contingent liabilities granted as at 31.12.2021 is PLN 18,813,999 thousand (31.12.2020 was PLN 15,903,598 thousand), while long-term contingent liabilities received as at 31.12.2021 was PLN 24,046,996 thousand (31.12.2020 was PLN 20,249,636 thousand).

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