3i. Provision for the return of commission due to early repayment of the loan

On 11 September 2019, the CJEU issued a judgment in which it was stated that Article 16 paragraph 1 of the Directive No. 2008/48/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2008 on consumer loan agreements which repealed Council Directive No. 87/102/EEC should be interpreted in the following way: the consumer’s right to reduce the total cost of a loan in the event of earlier repayment includes all costs that have been imposed on the consumer. The CJEU pointed out that a comparative analysis of the different language versions of Article 16 clause 1 of the Directive does not allow to clearly determine the exact scope of the reduction of the total cost of a loan envisaged by this provision, because some language versions of this provision suggest reducing the costs related to the remaining period of the contract, others suggest that the costs associated with this period constitute an indication for calculating the reduction, others still only refer to interest and costs due for the remaining period of the contract.
The judgment was issued following a question referred for a preliminary ruling by the Lublin-Wschód District Court based in Świdnik, which examined three disputes between the company Lexitor, which acquired the claims of three clients, and SKOK Stefczyka, Santander Consumer Bank and mBank, regarding the reduction of the total cost of consumer loans due to their earlier repayment. The Polish court had doubts about the interpretation of Article 16 paragraph 1 of Directive No. 2008/48/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2008, and therefore asked the CJEU whether this provision concerns all costs or only those related to the duration of the contract.
As a result of the analysis concerning the impact of the judgment on the Group’s revenues, in particular on relations expired before the judgment was issued, in 2019 the Group decided to create a provision for a proportional refund of commission in the event of early repayment of the loan in the amount of PLN 48,750 thousand as at 31 December 2021 the provision amounted to PLN 19,156 thousand (as at 31 December 2020 the provision amounted to PLN 26,116 thousand). The provision was estimated based on the estimation of the total amount of the provision for the early repaid loans and the expected percentage of customers who will claim for a refund of the due part of the commission. Assuming that the percentage of customers would be 5 p.p. higher than the assumed level, the amount of the provision would be higher by PLN 12.5 million.
Additionally, the Group created in 2019 a provision of PLN 20,800 thousand to cover the partial reimbursements of loan commissions in the event of their early repayment, for loans repaid after 31 December 2019. The estimate of the provision is based on the difference between the value of commissions to be reimbursed and the balance of unsettled commissions as at the expected date of early loan repayment. . Due to increased utilisation of the provision in 2021 (as compared to the estimate made in 2019), based on complex portfolio analysis regarding the rate of early repayments, the required provision has been revalued. As of 31 December 2021 the provision amounted to PLN 11,542 thousand (as of 31 December 2020 the provision amounted to 6,161 thousand).
As a result of the CJEU judgment, the Group has implemented a process whereby a provision for estimated refunds of fees charged is made on an ongoing basis for newly originated loans. This provision is calculated as a percentage of commissions charged to the customer, which reflects the expected average difference between the amounts of commissions to be refunded to customers and the balance of outstanding commissions at the expected time of early repayment of the loan. This percentage is calculated based on the estimated level of early repayments and the expected timing of repayment. In the event of early loan repayment, this provision is released and for newly sold loans a provision will be created on an ongoing basis. As of 31 December 2021, the provision amounted to PLN 18,709 thousand (PLN 1,500 thousand as of 31 December 2020). 5 p.p. increase in the level of early repayments would result in a higher provision within a range from 8% to 13%, depending on the product.
The created provision level is based on estimates of the Group and may be changed.
Simultaneously, the Group recognises its liability due to the proportional reimbursement of commissions in the event of their early repayment in the period from the date of the judgment of the CJEU on 11 September 2019 to 31 December 2019. As of 31 December 2021, this liability amounted to PLN 2,363 thousand (PLN 2,434 thousand as of 31 December 2020).
The above provisions are presented by the Bank under Provisions: Provision for litigation, while the Bank presents the liability under Other liabilities: Sundry creditors.