On 6 April 2021, under the settlement orders referred to in §6 of the Detailed Rules of Operation of the National Depository for Securities, 99,864 M series ordinary bearer shares of the Bank, with a par value of PLN 1 each („M Series Shares”), were registered with the National Depository for Securities and admitted to trading by the Warsaw Stock Exchange, and M Series Shares were recorded in the securities accounts of the eligible persons.
M Series Shares were issued under a conditional increase of the Bank’s share capital pursuant to Resolution No. 5 of the Bank’s Extraordinary General Meeting of 31 January 2020, as amended by Resolution No. 37 of the Bank’s Annual General Meeting of 29 June 2020. M Series Shares were subscribed in exercise of the rights attached to A series registered subscription warrants, each of which gave the right to subscribe for one M Series Share.
Pursuant to Article 451 §2, second sentence of the Commercial Companies Code, the alloted M Series Shares entered into force upon their entry in the securities accounts of the eligible persons.
In view of the above, pursuant to Art. 451 §2 in connection with Art. 452 §1 of the Code of Commercial Companies, rights from a total of 99,864 M Series Shares of the total nominal value of PLN 99.864 were purchased and the share capital of the Bank was increased from the amount of PLN 147,418,918 to PLN 147,518,782.
The total number of votes resulting from all shares of the Bank is 147.518,782. The number of votes resulting from the allotted M Series Shares is 99,864.
The value of the conditional increase of the share capital after the issuing of the M Series Shares amounts to PLN 476,136.
2 June 2021, a notice from two shareholders of the Bank, BNP Paribas SA and Rabobank International Holding B.V. (the „Shareholders”), in which the Shareholders announced the completion of an accelerated bookbuilding process („ABB”) for the sale by the Shareholders of not more than 7,472,786 ordinary bearer shares in the Bank, representing in aggregate not more than 5.07% of the Bank’s share capital and representing not more than 5.07% of the total voting rights in the Bank (the „Sale Shares”).
According to the Notice, as a result of the ABB process, the total number of Sale Shares was determined to be 7,472,786, representing 5.07% of the shares in the Bank’s share capital and in the total number of votes in the Bank, of which:
- BNP Paribas SA will sell 1.858,911 Sale Shares, which represent 1.26% of shares in the Bank’s share capital and in the total number of votes at the Bank, and
- Rabobank International Holding B.V. will sell 5,613,875 Sale Shares, representing 3.81% of the shares in the Bank’s share capital and in the total number of votes in the Bank.
After settlement of the sale of the Sale Shares under the ABB process:
- BNP Paribas SA directly holds 93,501,327 shares of the Bank representing 63.38% of the total number of shares and votes at the Bank, and together with other entities of the BNP Paribas SA capital group controls a total of 128,991,553 shares of the Bank representing 87.44% of the total number of shares and votes at the Bank,
Rabobank International Holding B.V. does not hold any shares of the Bank.