Integrated Report 2021

43. Fair value of financial assets and liabilities

Based on the methods used to determine fair value, the Group classifies particular assets and liabilities into the following categories: 

Level 1 

Assets and liabilities measured on the basis of market quotations available on active markets for identical instruments. 

Level 2 

Assets and liabilities measured using valuation techniques based on directly or indirectly observed market quotations or other information based on market quotations. 

Level 3 

Assets and liabilities measured using valuation techniques where input data is not based on observable market data. 

The Group periodically (at least quarterly) assigns individual assets and liabilities to particular levels of the fair value hierarchy. The basis for classification to particular levels of the valuation hierarchy is the input data used for the valuation, i.e. market quotes or other information. The lowest level of input data used for the valuation, having a significant impact on determining the fair value, determines the classification of an asset or liability to a particular hierarchy level. 

If the input data is changed to data classified to another level, e.g. as a result of changes in the valuation methodology or changes in market data sources, the Group transfers the asset or liability to the appropriate level of measurement in the reporting period in which the change occurred. 

In 2021, the Group did not make any changes in the method of fair value measurement that would result in the transfer of financial assets and liabilities between levels. 

On 31 December 2021, particular instruments were included in the following valuation levels: 

  1. the first level: Treasury bonds and bonds issued by European Investment Bank (fair value is determined directly by reference to published active market quotations), shares listed on stock exchanges; 
  2. the second level: interest rate options in EUR, USD and GBP, FX options, base interest rate and FX swaps maturing within 10 years, FRA maturing within 1 year, FX Forward, NDF and FX swaps maturing within 1 year, commodity swaps maturing within 1 year, interest rate swaps maturing within 10 years, structured instruments (whose fair value determined using measurement techniques which are based on available, verifiable market data); 
  3. the third level: interest rate options in PLN, FX options maturing over 1 year, FX Forward, NDF and FX swaps maturing over 1 year, base interest rate and FX swaps maturing over 10 years, commodity swaps maturing over 1 year, interest rate swaps with residual maturity exceeding 10 years, structured instruments (whose fair value determined using measurement techniques (models) which are not based on available, verifiable market data), derivatives for which significant Fair Value Correction or Credit Value Adjustment was created and corporate bonds other than CATALYST-listed ones, shares which are not listed on the WSE and other stock exchanges, subsidized loans (fair value determined using measurement techniques (models) which are not based on available, verifiable market data, i.e. in cases other than those described in 1 and 2). 

The table below presents classification of assets and liabilities re-measured to fair value in the consolidated financial statements into three categories: 

31.12.2021 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total 
Assets measured at fair value:  9,170,446 1,412,875 2,093,752 12,677,073
Derivative financial instruments  1,347,410 554,509 1,901,919
Hedging instruments 65,465 65,465
Securities measured at fair value through other comprehensive income  9,143,353 9,143,353
Securities measured at fair value through profit or loss  27,093 320,216 347,309
Loans and advances to customers measured at fair value through profit or loss 1,219,027 1,219,027
Liabilities measured at fair value:  2,440,495 520,144 2,960,639
Derivative financial instruments 1,458,287 459,745 1,918,032
Hedging instruments  982,208 60,399 1,042,607

31.12.2020 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total 
Assets measured at fair value: 10,228,604 1,681,443 2,293,671 14,203,718
Derivative financial instruments  1,244,523 287,094 1,531,617
Hedging instruments  436,920 94,873 531,793
Securities measured at fair value through other comprehensive income 10,228,560 10,228,560
Securities measured at fair value through profit or loss 44 371,856 371,900
Loans and advances to customers measured at fair value through profit or loss 1 539,848 1,539,848
Liabilities measured at fair value:  1,233,070 348,105 1,581,175
Derivative financial instruments  1,173,043 348,105 1,521,148
Hedging instruments 60,027 60,027


In the case of some derivatives there was a change of valuation level from 3 to 2 due to reduction of time to maturity. Four of the transactions migrated from valuation level 2 to level 3 due to the increased CVA/DVA adjustment. There was also a transfer of Visa shares and Mastercard shares from level 1 to level 2 (due to the application of a liquidity discount) and a transfer of PFR bonds from level 1 to level 2 (the price comes from the market, but a reduction in liquidity was observed). 

The fair value of level 2 and 3 financial instruments is determined using the measurement techniques (e.g. models). 

The input data used for purposes of valuation of level 2 and 3 instruments include foreign exchange rates, yield curves, reference rates, changes in foreign exchange rates, reference rates, stock market indices and stock prices, swap points, basis spreads, stock market index values and futures prices. 

In the case of derivative financial instruments classified to level 3, the unobservable parameters are correlations between stock exchange indices, correlations between exchange rates and stock exchange indices and implied volatilities of shares listed on the WSE and the WIG20 index. 

As regards level 3 municipal bonds, the credit risk margin is a non-observable parameter which is replaceable with the market margin for instruments within similar characteristics. The effect of changes in the credit margin on changes in the fair value is considered immaterial. 

The table below presents the changes in the measurement of level 3 assets and liabilities as well as amounts charged to profit or loss and statement of comprehensive income.

31.12.2021 Derivative financial instruments – assets  Hedging instruments – assets  Financial assets measured at fair value Derivative financial instruments – liabilities Hedging instruments – liabilities
Opening balance  287,094 94,873 1,911,704 (348,105)
Total gains/losses recognised in: 267,414 (94,873) 18,719 (111,640) (60,399)
statement of profit or loss  267,414 (94,873) 18,719 (111,640) (60,339)
Statement of comprehensive income
Purchase 3,431
Sale  (786)
Settlement/expiry (393,825)
Closing balance 554,509 1,539,243 (459,745) (60,399)
Unrealized gains/losses recognised in profit or loss related to assets and liabilities at the end of the period
267,414 (94,873) 18,719 (111,640) (60,339)

31.12.2020 Derivative financial instruments – assets Hedging instruments – assets  Financial assets measured at fair value  Investment property  Derivative financial instruments – liabilities  Hedging instruments – liabilities
Opening balance  300,814 90,992 2 215,823 56,577 (306,055) (1,626)
Total gains/losses recognised in: (13,720) 3,881 60,332 (42,050) 1,626
statement of profit or loss  (13,720) 3,881 60,332 (42,050) 1,626
Purchase  35,306
Sale  (4,368) (56,577)
Settlement/expiry  (400,385)
Transfer 4,996
Closing balance 287,094 94,873 1,911,704 (348,105)
Unrealized gains/losses recognised in profit or loss related to assets and liabilities at the end of the period 
(13,720) 3,881 (60,332) (42,050) 1,626


The Group measures the fair value by discounting all contractual cash flows related to transactions, with the use of yield curves characteristic of each transaction group. Where no repayment schedule is agreed for a product, it is assumed that the fair value is equal to the carrying amount of the transaction, or, in case of revolving products, the curves derived from the liquidity profile of these products and the expected behavioural duration of these exposures are used. 

The yield curve used for fair value measurement of liabilities (such as customer and interbank deposits) and receivables (such as loans to customers and interbank deposits) of the Group comprises: 

  • the credit risk free yield curve; 
  • the cost of obtaining financing above the credit risk free yield curve; 
  • the market margin that reflects credit risk for receivables. 

The yield curve for fair value measurement of loans is constructed through classification of loans into sub-portfolios depending on the product type and currency as well as customer segmentation. A margin is determined for each sub-portfolio taking into account credit risk. The margin may be determined in two ways: by reference to margins used for each type of loan granted over the past six months or with the use of credit risk parameters of a given customer determined in the process of calculating the impairment of financial instruments. 

When using the first approach for foreign currency mortgage loans, the margin for the entire portfolio of a specific type of mortgage loans serves as the basis for determination of a margin reflecting credit risk as no new transactions are concluded. In the case of insufficient amount of loans, which makes it impossible to reliably determine the amount of margin, the average market margin for products of a given type is used. 

The following table presents the book and fair values of those financial assets and liabilities which have not been presented in the Group’s statement of financial position at fair value, along with the measurement classification level. The current credit risk margin and the current liquidity margin, the values of which are not quoted on an active market, are the non-observable parameters for all the categories. 

31.12.2021 Book value  Fair value Level
Financial assets
Cash and balances at Central Bank 4,631,477 4,631,477 3
Amounts due from other banks 2,615,150 2,442,241 3
Loans and advances to customers measured at amortised cost  85,080,454 83,996,937 3
Securities measured at amortised cost 23,268,041 21,612,237 1,3
Other financial assets 369,108 369,108 3
Financial liabilities 
Amounts due to other banks 8,012,244 7,966,133 3
Amounts due to customers  101,092,941 100,330,112 3
Subordinated liabilities  4,334,572 4,591,245 3
Lease liabilities 860,004 860,004 3
Other financial liabilities 714,379 714,379 3
Debt securities issued 14,841,541 14,841,541 3

31.12.2020 Book value  Fair value  Level
Financial assets 
Cash and balances at Central Bank  3,421,877 3,421,877 3
Amounts due from other banks 774,722 744,238 3
Loans and advances to customers measured at amortised cost  74,097,269 72,806,516 3
Securities measured at amortised cost  23,361,022 25,276,195 1,3
Other financial assets 496,078 496,078 3
Financial liabilities 
Amounts due to the Central Bank  84,675 84,675 3
Amounts due to other banks  6,824,894 6,821,688 3
Amounts due to customers  90,051,004 90,063,849 3
Subordinated liabilities 4,306,539 4,847,359 3
Lease liabilities  968,749 968,749 3
Other financial liabilities 432,881 432,881 3
Debt securities issued 1,318,380 1,318,380 3


a) Amounts due from banks and amounts due to banks

Amounts due from banks and amounts due to banks include interbank deposits and interbank settlements. The fair value of fixed and floating rate deposits/placements is based on discounted cash flows determined by reference to money market interest rates for items with similar credit risk and residual maturity. 

b) Loans and advances to customers

The estimated fair value of loans and advances is the discounted value of future cash flows to be received, using the current market rates adjusted by financing cost and by actual or estimated credit risk margins. 

c) Securities measured at amortised cost

The fair value of securities measured at amortised cost was determined by reference to the published quoted prices in an active market for quoted securities (first level of measurement). However, for unquoted securities, fair value was determined using valuation techniques not based on available market data (third level of measurement).

d)  Investments in subsidiaries and associates

The fair value of investments in subsidiaries and associates amounts to their balance sheet value. 

e)Liabilities due to subordinated loan

Liabilities include subordinated loans. The fair value of the floating rate loan is based on discounted cash flows determined by reference to money market interest rates for items with similar credit risk and residual maturity.

f) Liabilities due to customers

The fair value of fixed and floating rate deposits is based on discounted cash flows determined by reference to money market interest rates adjusted by the actual cost of securing funds over the past three months. For demand deposits, it is assumed that the fair value is equal to their carrying amount. 

g) Lease liabilities

The fair value of lease liabilities was determined as equal to their balance sheet value.

h) Debt securities issued

The fair value of the securities issue was estimated using a model that discounts the future cash flows of the investment based on market interest rate curves adjusted for issuer credit risk. 

Compensation of financial assets and liabilities

31.12.2021 Gross value presented in financial assets/liabilities Net value presented in financial assets/liabilities  Offsetting value under concluded contracts Cash collateral value Net value
Financial assets
Trading and hedging derivatives  1,967,384 1,967,384 (1,283,175) (46,407) 637,801
Total  1,967,384 1,967,384 (1,283,175) (46,407) 637,801
Financial liabilities
Trading and hedging derivatives 3,046,005 3,046,005 (1,283,175) (1,552,559) 210,271
Total  3,046,005 3,046,005 (1,283,175) (1,552,559) 210,271


31.12.2020 Gross value presented in financial assets/liabilities Net value presented in financial assets/liabilities  Offsetting value under concluded contracts Cash collateral value Net value
Financial assets
Trading and hedging derivatives  2,063,410 2,063,410 (1,244,829) (342,436) 476,146
Total  2,063,410 2,063,410 (1,244,829) (342,436) 476,146
Financial liabilities
Trading and hedging derivatives 1,581,175 1,581,175 (1,244,829) (260,442) 75,905
Total  1,581,175 1,581,175 (1,244,829) (260,442) 75,905


The possibility to compensate receivables and liabilities which are not due as well as settlement in the net amount in case of early settlement of the contract, result from the provisions of framework agreements / ISDA concluded with the customers.  

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