Integrated Report 2021

21. Loans and advances to customers measured at amortised cost

Loans and advances to customers measured at amortised cost Gross balance sheet value Allowance Net balance sheet value
Loans and advances for:
Non-banking financial entities 796,517 (2,075) 794,442
current account loans 729,310 (1,644) 727,666
investment loans 45,208 (287) 44,921
other loans 21,999 (144) 21,855
Retail customers: 38,817,716 (935,977) 37,881,739
mortgage loans 26,710,997 (311,056) 26,399,941
other loans 12,106,719 (624,921) 11,481,798
Corporate customers 43,354,896 (1,860,797) 41,494,099
current account loans 21,236,676 (1,198,743) 20,037,933
investment loans 15,549,486 (449,945) 15,099,541
other loans 6,568,734 (212,109) 6,356,625
including retail farmers: 7,755,784 (389,619) 7,366,165
current account loans 3,712,040 (191,153) 3,520,887
current account loans 4,032,732 (197,030) 3,835,702
other loans 11,012 (1,436) 9,576
Public sector institutions 84,487 (1,542) 82,945
current account loans 57,032 (1,240) 55,792
investment loans 27,118 (299) 26,819
other loans 337 (3) 334
Lease receivables 4,989,351 (162,122) 4,827,229
Total loans and advances to customers measured at amortised cost 88,042,967 (2,962,513) 85,080,454

Loans and advances to customers measured at amortised cost Gross balance sheet value Allowance Net balance sheet value
Loans and advances for:
Non-banking financial entities 595,02 (1,934) 593,168
current account loans 492,335 (1,577) 490,758
investment loans 96,141 (259) 95,882
other loans 6,626 (98) 6,528
Retail customers 33,802,097 (1,172,830) 32,629,267
mortgage loans 22,559,727 (363,664) 22,196,063
other loans 11,242,370 (809,166) 10,433,204
Corporate customers 38,673,033 (1,863,349) 36,809,684
current account loans 17,823,636 (1,135,775) 16,687,861
investment loans 13,921,875 (512,585) 13,409,290
other loans 6,927,522 (214,989) 6,712,533
including retail farmers 8,118,713 (453,098) 7,665,615
current account loans 3,979,679 (229,272) 3,750,407
investment loans 4,125,187 (222,105) 3,903,082
other loans 13,847 (1,721) 12,126
Public sector institutions 101,382 (2,268) 99,114
current account loans 70,300 (1,649) 68,651
investment loans 30,448 (611) 29,837
other loans 634 (8) 626
Lease receivables 4,112,460 (146,424) 3,966,036
Total loans and advances to customers measured at amortised cost 77,284,074 (3,186,805) 74,097,269



Loans and advances to customers by Stages is presented below:

31.12.2021 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total  POCI
Loans and advances for: 77 810,462 7,025,786 3 206 719 88 042 967 222 556
Non-banking financial entities 794,896 5 1,616 796,517 88
Retail customers 35,339,880 2,350,493 1,127,343 38,817,716 52,581
Corporate customers: 37,247,318 4,234,645 1,872,933 43,354,896 169,887
including retail farmers 5,998,472 1,123,755 633,557 7,755,784 2
Public sector entities: 83,411 1,076 84,487
Lease receivables 4,344,957 439,567 204,827 4,989,351
Impairment allowance on loans and receivables for: (615,798) (507,388) (1,839,327) (2,962,513) (70,908)
Non-banking financial entities (752) (1) (1,322) (2,075) (72)
Retail customers (107,829) (206,279) (621,869) (935,977) (4,485)
Corporate customers (469,618) (276,852) (1,114,327) (1,860,797) (66,351)
including retail farmers (33,289) (76,937) (279,393) (389,619)
Public sector entities (1,342) (200) (1,542)
Lease receivables (36,257) (24,056) (101,809) (162,122)
Net loans and advances to customers measured at amortised cost 77,194,664 6,518,398 1,367,392 85,080,454 151,648

31.12.2020 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total POCI
Loans and advances for: 65,969,373 7,165,450 4,149,251 77,284,074 324,756
Non-banking financial entities 593,444 33 1,625 595,102 80
Retail customers 30,416,993 1,940,388 1,444,716 33,802,097 71,872
Corporate customers 31,474,785 4,699,506 2,498,742 38,673,033 252,760
including retail farmers 6,069,509 1,259,809 789,395 8,118,713 2
Public sector entities: 98,992 2,346 44 101,382 44
Lease receivables 3,385,159 523,177 204,124 4,112,460
Impairment allowance on loans and receivables for: (505,527) (594,339) (2,086,939) (3,186,805) (47,810)
Non-banking financial entities (1,213) (3) (718) (1,934) (23)
Retail customers (197,518) (226,981) (748,331) (1,172,830) (10,127)
Corporate customers (274,643) (346,822) (1,241,884) (1,863,349) (37,648)
including retail farmers (48,403) (116,224) (288,471) (453,098) (1)
Public sector entities (1,990) (266) (12) (2,268) (12)
Lease receivables (30,163) (20,267) (95,994) (146,424)
Net loans and advances to customers measured at amortised cost 65,463,846 6,571,111 2,062,312 74,097,269 276,946

Impairment allowance of loans and advances to customers measured at amortised cost


Change in impairment allowances Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total
Opening balance as at 1 January 2021 (505,527) (594,339) (2,086,939) (3,186,805)
Increase due to acquisition or origination (353,275) (109,644) (80,095) (543,014)
Decrease due to derecognition 53,907 27,882 123,587 205,376
Changes resulting from the change in credit risk (net) 209,417 140,773 (551,258) (201,068)
Changes arising from updates to the method of estimation used (net) (26,280) 28,131 21,386 23,237
Use of allowances 6,230 523 742,719 749,472
Other changes (including foreign exchange differences) (270) (714) (8,727) (9,711)
Closing balance as at 31 December 2021 (615,798) (507,388) (1 839,327) (2,962,513)

Change in impairment allowances Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total
Opening balance as at 1 January 2021 (462,118) (481,781) (2,284,310) (3,228,209)
Increase due to acquisition or origination (318,192) (80,321) (123,188) (521,701)
Decrease due to derecognition 55,378 21,739 110,796 187,913
Changes resulting from the change in credit risk (net) 223,644 (50,954) (706,534) (533,844)
Use of allowances 90 30 939,245 939,365
Other changes (including foreign exchange differences) (4,329) (3,053) (22,947) (30,329)
Other changes (including foreign exchange differences) (505,527) (594,339) (2,086,939) (3,186,805)


The total balance of long-term loans and advances due to customers as at 31 December 2021 amounted to PLN 76,534,598 thousand (PLN 63,711,558 thousand as at 31 December 2020).

Gross amount of foreign currency mortgage loans for retail customers (in PLN ‘000)

Loans by currency 31.12.2021 31.12.2020
CHF 4,531,564 4,822,478
EUR 36,388 47,606
PLN 22,141,389 17,687,284
USD 1,656 2,359
Total 26,710,997 22,559,727

Value of CHF loan portfolio Gross balance sheet value including CHF exposures Allowance including CHF exposures
Loans and advances for:
Non-banking financial entities 796,517 (2,075)
current account loans 729,310 (1,644)
investment loans 45,208 (287)
other loans 21,999 (144)
Retail customers 38,817,716 4,575,112 (935,977) (230,270)
mortgage loans 26,710,997 4,531,564 (311,056) (221,397)
other loans 12,106,719 43,548 (624,921) (8,873)
Corporate customers: 43,354,896 65,713 (1,860,797) (10,781)
current account loans 21,236,676 56,263 (1,198,743) (5,538)
investment loans 15,549,486 8,915 (449,945) (5,243)
other loans 6,568,734 535 (212,109)
including retail farmers 7,755,784 1,284 (389,619) (84)
current account loans 3,712,040 1,225 (191,153) (84)
investment loans 4,032,732 59 (197,030)
other loans 11,012 (1,436)
Public sector institutions 84,487 (1,542)
current account loans 57,032 (1,240)
investment loans 27,118 (299)
other loans 337 (3)
Lease receivables 4,989,351 27,917 (162,122) (7,274)
Total loans and advances 88,042,967 4,668,742 (2 962,513) (248,325)

Value of CHF loan portfolio Gross balance sheet value including CHF exposures Allowance including CHF exposures
Loans and advances for:
Non-banking financial entities 595,102 (1,934)
current account loans 492,335 (1,577)
investment loans 96,141 (259)
other loans 6,626 (98)
Retail customers 33,802,097 4,876,681 (1,172,830) (235,754)
mortgage loans 22,559,727 4,822,478 (363,664) (223,878)
other loans 11,242,370 54,203 (809,166) (11,876)
Corporate customers 38,673,033 148,909 (1,863,349) (12,064)
current account loans 17,823,636 137,511 (1,135,775) (7,502)
investment loans 13,921,875 10,068 (512,585) (4,560)
other loans 6,927,522 1,330 (214,989) (2)
including retail farmers 8,118,713 3,094 (453,098) (493)
current account loans 3,979,679 2,998 (229,272) (493)
investment loans 4,125,187 96 (222,105)
other loans 13,847 (1,721)
Public sector institutions 101,382 (2,268)
current account loans 70,300 (1,649)
investment loans 30,448 (611)
other loans 634 (8)
Lease receivables 4,112,460 38,940 (146,424) (7,448)
Total loans and advances 77,284,074 5,064,530 (3,186,805) (255,266)

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