17. Cash and cash balances at central bank

Cash and cash equivalents | 31.12.2021 | 31.12.2020 |
Cash and other balances | 3,049,607 | 3,403,704 |
Account in the National Bank of Poland | 1,582,153 | 18,176 |
Gross cash and cash equivalents | 4,631,760 | 3,421,880 |
Impairment allowances | (283) | (3) |
Total cash and cash equivalents | 4,631,477 | 3,421,877 |
Change of impairment allowances | 12 miesięcy do 31.12.2021 |
12 miesięcy do 31.12.2020 |
Change of impairment allowances | (3) | (374) |
Increases due to acquisition or origination | (3,067) | (1,576) |
Decreases due to derecognition | 3,120 | 1,491 |
Other changes (including foreign exchange differences) | (333) | 456 |
Closing balance | (283) | (3) |
During the day, the Group may use cash on statutory reserve accounts for current cash settlements based on an order placed at the National Bank of Poland. The Bank has to ensure that the average monthly balance matches the declared statutory reserve amount.
The funds on the statutory reserve account bear interest. As at 31 December 2021 interest on statutory reserve accounts was 1.75% (0.1% as at 31 December 2020).
The balance of cash in hand and at Central Bank includes the statutory reserve maintained with the National Bank of Poland. The basic reserve requirement at 31.12.2021 was 2% (at 31.12.20 it was 0.5%). The declared reserve level to be maintained since 31 December 2021 was PLN 2,079,746 thousand (as compared to PLN 484,302 thousand in December 2020).