2.23. Leases

Group as a lessee
On the commencement date of the lease, the Group recognizes the lease liability (liability to make lease payments) and the asset that constitutes the right to use the subject of the lease for the duration of the leasing contract (right to use an asset).
In determining the lease term, the Group considers all relevant facts and events creating economic incentives to exercise the option to renew or not to exercise an option to terminate. The Group reassesses the length of the lease term in case of a significant event or a significant change in circumstances that affects the assessment made previous
For contracts with indefinite duration relating to the Bank’s branch offices, the Group has adopted a lease term consistent with the period of depreciation of the unamortised investments made in these properties at the date of implementation of the standard, or in the absence of such investments, a 3-year period, taking into account the significant costs associated with changing the location of the branches during their operation.
The Group applies the exemptions provided for in IFRS 16 and does not recognize the asset components due to the right of use in the case of short-term leases and leases covering components of low-value assets. Short-term leases are defined as leases with a period of no longer than 12 months as at the beginning date (including periods for which the lease can be extended, if it can be assumed with reasonable assurance that the lessee will exercise that right) and do not include a call option. Low-value assets are those which have a value of no more than EUR 5,000.
On the commencement date, the lessee measures the lease liability based on the current value of lease payments remaining to be paid as at that date. Lease payments are discounted using the interest rate of the lease, if such a rate can be easily determined. Otherwise, the lessee applies the marginal interest rate of the lessee. The lessee’s marginal interest rate is the interest rate that the lessee would have to pay to borrow the funds necessary to purchase a right-of-use asset of similar value for a similar term and with similar collateral in a similar economic environment. The Group determines the marginal interest rate for all contract types on the basis of the average funding rate in the currency concerned.
The following elements are included in the measurement of leasing liabilities:
- fixed payments, less any lease incentives receivable,
- variable lease payments that depend on an index or a rate,
- amounts expected to be payable by the lessee under residual value guarantees,
- the exercise price of a purchase option if the lessee is reasonably certain to exercise that option,
- payments of penalties for terminating the lease, if the lease term reflects the lessee exercising an option to terminate the lease.
Floating fees, which do not depend on the index or rate and do not have a certain minimum level, are not included in the value of the lease liability. These fees are recognised in the statement of profit or loss in the period when the event that causes their maturity occurred.
On the commencement date, the lessee measures an asset due to the right to use at its cost. The cost of an asset due to the right of use should include:
- the initial value of the lease liability,
- leasing payments made at the time or before the conclusion of the contract less any incentives received,
- all initial costs incurred by the lessee, and
- estimated costs of dismantling and removing the underlying asset, that must be incurred by the Group in connection with the asset included in the agreement in order to restore the place in which the asset is located or the asset itself to the conditions required under the leasing contract.
After the initial recognition, the right of use is reduced by depreciation and total impairment losses and adjusted in connection with the revaluation of the lease liability due to changes in the lease, which do not require the recognition of a separate lease component.
Assets with to the right of use are amortised on a straight-line basis over the shorter of two periods: the leasing period or the useful life of the underlying asset, unless the Group has sufficient certainty that it will obtain ownership before the end of the leasing period – then the right to use is depreciated from the day of commencement until the end of the asset’s useful life.
Group as a lessor
Lease contracts under which substantially all of the risks and gains incidental to the ownership of the asset are transferred to the lessee are classified as financial lease agreements. In the statement of financial position the value of receivables in the amount equal to the net investment in the lease is recognised. The recognition of revenues from financial leasing contracts is performed in a manner reflecting the constant periodic rate of return on the net investment in the lease made by the Group under finance lease.
The Group does not offer operating lease products, i.e. such products in which all risks and rewards incidental to ownership of the assets are transferred to the lessee.