2.22. Provisions
Provisions are created when the Group is subject to an obligation (legal or constructive) resulting from past events and it is probable that the fulfilment of such obligation will create a liability and where a reliable estimate of the amount of that liability can be made. If the Group expects reimbursement of the expenditure required to settle the provision (for example, through insurance contracts), the reimbursement is recognised as a separate asset, but only when it is virtually certain that reimbursement will be received. The costs relating to the provision are recognised in the statement of profit or loss less any reimbursement amount. If the impact of time value of money is material, the provision is determined by discounting projected future cash flows to the present value with a gross discount rate that reflects current market assessment of time value of money and a possible risk pertaining to a liability. An increase in provision over time is recognised as interest expense.
A provision for restructuring costs is recognised when general provision recognition criteria are met, as well as detailed ones regarding the occurrence of an obligation to recognize a provision for restructuring costs determined in IAS 37. In particular, the constructive obligation to perform a restructuring procedure occurs only when the Group has a detailed, formal restructuring plan and has raised justified expectations of parties involved in the plan that the restructuring would be performed in the form of initiating its implementation or announcing its key elements to these parties.
A detailed restructuring plan determines at least the operations involved or their part, the key locations to be included, the place of employment, positions and approximate number of employees to be compensated in exchange for termination of their employment, the amount of outlays to be incurred and the plan implementation deadline.
A restructuring provision includes only direct outlays arising from the restructuring, which:
- are an indispensable effect of the restructuring procedure and
- at the same time are not related to current operations of the entity.
The restructuring provision shall not cover costs such as:
- training of remaining employees or reassignment of employees;
- marketing; or
- investment in new distribution systems and networks.
A restructuring provision does not include future operating expenses.