2.10. Net fee and commission income

Fees and commissions, which are not accounted for using the effective interest rate method but in accordance with the straight-line method or recognised on a one-off basis, are recognised in “Net fee and commission income”.
Income settled over time with straight-line method includes commissions on overdrafts, revolving loans and commitments (guarantees and credit facilities).
Fees for the Group’s commitment to grant a loan or an advance (commissions from promises issued) are deferred and as soon as financial assets are recognised they are accounted for as an element of the effective interest rate or on a straight-line basis.
Revenues from contracts with customers include both fees and commissions, which are settled over time using the straight-line method (throughout the period of providing the service) as well as on a one-off basis. Revenues are presented as the amount of the Group’s remuneration specified in the contracts with customers and do not include amounts collected by the Group on behalf of third parties, which are then transferred to them (i.e., insurance premiums collected which the Group transfers to insurance companies). The Group recognizes revenues when the performance obligation is met (or when it is being fulfilled) by transferring the promised good or service (i.e. an asset) to the customer.
Loans and advances
In respect of loan agreements, the Group generates, in particular, revenues for readiness to give the funding under the granted credit limits, which are recognised in the statement of profit or loss on a straight-line basis over the period for which the limit was granted. For contracts without a specified repayment schedule, in the case of revolving loans, fees for each instalment of a loan tranche are recognised over the average expected repayment period. Under certain loan agreements, the Group receives commissions for readiness or commitment, the amount of which is calculated on the basis of loan balances at the specified moment of the duration of the loan agreement. Despite the fact that they partially constitute remuneration for the provision of services, in case of which the customers derive benefits in a continuous manner, due to significant uncertainty about the credit balance at a specific point in the future, the Group recognises this type of income when the basis of its calculation is certain.
Debit and credit cards
Under debit card agreements with customers, the Group recognises revenues from various types of fees and commissions. In a majority of cases, these are activities in which the Group executes its obligation to provide services at a given moment of time, in which the customer derives benefits from these services at once, the remuneration due is recognised by the Group in revenues on a one-off basis. An example may be the fee for issuing a card, for checking the account balance at an ATM, for withdrawing cash at an ATM. In addition to one-off fees for banking operations, analogous to those described above for debit cards, the Group receives annual fees for the use of credit cards sold by the Group together with separate services, including card insurance. The Group allocates remuneration to individual performance obligations and recognises commissions throughout the service provision period.
Commitments to grant loans and advances
The Group charges a commission for its readiness to grant a loan or advance, which constitutes a separate remuneration for commissions received from the loans at the moment of their commissioning, such as preparation commissions. Despite the provision of the service over time, the Group recognizes the revenue on account of the commission at the moment of the decision regarding the commissioning of the loan, because at the moment of collecting the provision it is not possible to estimate the period by which the due remuneration should be spread.
Investment brokerage and asset management
The Group acts as a broker in the sale of participation units of investment funds for BNP Paribas Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestycyjnych S.A. („TFI”), and receives a part of the commission charged for sales from customers. The Group recognizes revenue monthly based on the sales volume for a given month. In addition, the Group receives variable remuneration from TFI as part of the commission for the management of assets created as a result of the sale of investment fund participation units, which TFI collects from clients. The Group’s remuneration depends on the valuation of assets in the portfolio under management. The Group recognizes revenue at the end of the month based on its own estimates in the area of valuation of assets under management, which do not imply a potential significant reversal of revenue when settling revenues from TFI.
Insurance brokerage
The Group, acting as an agent in the sale of insurance for an insurance company, is entitled to participate in the distribution of the company’s profit for which it participates in the mediation. The Group recognizes revenues on a quarterly basis based on the periodic results of the insurance company in an amount that will not be subject to significant reversal in the future.
Recognition of bancassurance income and expenses
Direct relation of a bancassurance product and financial instrument occurs in particular if at least one of the following conditions is met: the offered financial instrument is always accompanied by the bancassurance product, or the bancassurance product is offered only accompanied by the financial instrument, i.e. the Group does not offer any bancassurance products with identical legal form, terms and economic contents without the accompanying financial instrument.
Recognition of bancassurance income for related transactions
For related transactions including bancassurance products and financial instruments, remuneration from sales of the bancassurance products constitute an integral part of the fee for the offered financial instrument.
Fee for bancassurance products offered in related transactions with financial instruments measured at amortised cost is accounted for using the effective interest rate method and recognised in interest income for one-off premium or in commission income on a monthly basis for a monthly premium.
Fee for the brokerage services, whose value is determined based on their economic contents, is recognised in commission income upon sale or renewal (if the renewal is significant) of a bancassurance product.
Recognition of bancassurance expenses for related transactions
Expenses directly related to the sale of bancassurance product are settled in accordance with the matching principle as an element of amortised cost of a financial instrument if the total income related to the sale of the product is settled with the effective interest rate method or, respectively, proportionally to the classification of the income as recognised within amortised cost calculation and that recognised on a one-off basis or over time as the fee for the agency services, if such classification has been introduced.
Recognition of bancassurance income and expenses for transactions not classified as related
If a financial instrument and a bancassurance product are sold in two separate transactions, the Group’s fee for the sale of the bancassurance product is recognised separately from the fee for the financial instrument.
Fee for the sale of bancassurance products that do not require the Group to provide any post-sale services is recognised as income as at the effective/renewal date of the relevant insurance policy. The related income is recognised under commission income.
Fee for the services provided by the Group over the whole life of a bancassurance product is deferred and recognised as income based on the percentage of completion of the provided services. Application of the percentage of completion method as at the balance sheet date is limited to cases when a result of a service transaction can be reliably estimated. If the Group is unable to precisely determine the number of activities performed within a given time range or a returns level, income from services or activities performed in relation to a bancassurance product offered by the Group is recognised on a straight-line basis over the lifetime of the product, unless there is evidence that another method would be more representative of the stage of completion.