Integrated Report 2020

Consolidated statement of financial position

ASSETS Note 31.12.2020 31.12.2019
Cash and balances at Central Bank 17 3,421,877 4,658,171
Amounts due from banks 18 774,722 679,308
Derivative financial instruments 19 1,531,617 800,886
Differences from hedge accounting 20 531,793 228,120
Loans and advances to customers measured at amortised cost 21 74,097,269 71,836,643
Loans and advances to customers measured at fair value through profit or loss 22 1,539,848 1,974,396
Securities measured at amortised cost 23 23,361,022 17,916,645
Securities measured at fair value through profit or loss 23 371,900 241,754
Securities measured at fair value through other comprehensive income 25 10,228,560 7,953,358
Investments properties 26 56,577
Intangible assets 27 651,608 519,945
Property, plant and equipment 28 1,479,540 1,226,746
Deferred tax assets 38 745,606 976,748
Current tax assets 55,087
Other assets 30 786,839 884,845
Total assets 119,577,288 109,954,142
LIABILITIES Note 31.12.2020 31.12.2019
Amounts due to the Central Bank 31 84,675
Amounts due to other banks 32 6,824,894 4,485,264
Derivative financial instruments 19 1,521,148 815,637
Differences from hedge accounting 20 542,719 224,218
Amounts due to customers 33 90,051,004 86,134,984
Debt securities issued 34 1,318,380 2,179,052
Subordinated liabilities 35 4,306,539 1,882,064
Leasing liabilities 29 968,749 602,192
Other liabilities 36 1,269,243 1,893,414
Deferred tax liabilities 38 8,535
Current tax liabilities 38,338
Provisions 37 659,410 531,061
Total liabilities 107,546,761 98,794,759
Share capital 47 147,419 147,419
Supplementary capital 48  9,110,976  9,110,976
Other reserve capital 48 2,208,982 1,572,757
Revaluation reserve 48 255,833 125,251
Retained earnings 307,317 202,980
 retained profit (425,778) (411,714)
 net profit for the period 733,095 614,694
Total equity 12,030,527 11,159,383
Total liabilities and equity 119,577,288 109,954,142

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