- Cooperation with the “Ocalenie” Foundation – support in providing assistance to e.g. families from Syria, Iraq, Ukraine or Chechnya.
You can read more about our work on cultural diversity in the Community section.
Promoting diversity in the workplace is one of the BNP Paribas Group's main responsibilities regarding responsibility in the workplace.
The companies of the BNP Paribas Bank Polska S.A. Capital Group approach diversity management with due diligence.
Working to support diversity, build an inclusive culture and prevent exclusion is one of our Bank’s responsibility priorities. We address our inclusivity efforts to employees, customers and the social environment. Both our Bank and the BNP Paribas Foundation, in cooperation with expert organisations, carry out a number of initiatives that strengthen diversity, level educational opportunities and prevent exclusion.
In 2016, we adopted a Diversity Policy that aims to create and promote a work environment focused on respecting and making the most of the potential inherent in employee differences for the growth of the Bank. In the same year, we appointed a Diversity Officer to ensure coordination and supervision of respect for diversity in the organization. The Diversity Officer coordinates activities related to respect for the principles of diversity in general and promotes the sharing of good practices within the Group. Employees can also report violations of these rules, i.e. all forms of discrimination to the Diversion Officer. Currently at BNP Paribas Bank Polska S.A. two persons perform the function of Diversity Officer. We work intensively on diversity in the organization, taking care to build an inclusive organizational culture (Diversity & Inclusion).
Diversity is a fact, a reality that surrounds us. Each person is unique, one of a kind. Some of the differences between us are visible at first glance, others are deeply hidden. Some characteristics are particularly protected by law because of the higher risk of discrimination in the social space: e.g. gender, age, disability, ethnic origin, nationality, political beliefs, religion, sexual orientation or gender identity. Of course, there are many more faces of diversity. After all, we all differ in talents, skills, character traits, personalities, experiences, personal situations, opinions and other attributes. We are a Bank that is open to everyone.
Inclusion is an intentional effort. What makes diversity work, makes sense, benefits employees, customers and society. It uses everyone’s potential, allows one to feel good in the organization, in society. Enables one to have a sense of belonging and influence on what is happening in the business and social environment. Structural inclusion is a creation of fair, prejudice-free structures, processes and business practices. Behavioural inclusion is the development of an organizational culture based on mutual respect and trust.
We build Diversity & Inclusion area at BNP Paribas Bank Polska S.A. within the framework of:
At the level of the BNP Paribas Group, diversity management is governed by documents:
As a Bank, we are actively committed to promoting diversity and anti-discrimination. We are also a signatory to the Diversity Charter. It is a commitment signed by organisations that decide to ban discrimination in the workplace and work to create and diversity.
The Diversity Charter is an initiative under the auspices of the European Commission. It brings together employers of all sectors and sizes for whom diversity is much more than a fact and a value in itself. At the same time, it brings together employers who understand that building inclusive organizations is good for business and very much needed socially. We are therefore very happy that BNP Paribas Bank Polska S.A. has been a signatory of the Diversity Charter since 2016. Although this is a group of exceptional organizations, the richness of initiatives, internal and external activities of the Bank are special. This confirms that BNP Paribas Bank Polska S.A. perfectly hears and understands the changing world, while seeking answers to the challenges of a difficult present and an uncertain future. Which has never been more needed than now.
In 2020, BNP Paribas Bank Polska S.A. was among the leaders of diversity management for the second time in the Diversity & Inclusion rating organized by the Responsible Business Forum with the support of Deloitte Polska. For more information about the rating, please visit the site.
The pandemic has highlighted the importance of a strong organisational culture in which promoting diversity and inclusivity is an essential element. BNP Paribas Bank Polska S.A. as a company qualified for the 2nd edition of the Diversity & Inclusion Rating can be an example for other employers of how to take care of financial results while creating a culture of diverse workplaces.
Openness, tolerance, respect for diversity, anti-exclusion are values that are inscribed in the DNA of the BNP Paribas Group and our Bank. That’s why every year we get involved in the celebration of Diversity Week in the Group. In October 2020, we organized Diversity Days to make employees aware of the strengths and potential of diverse teams.
In 2020, as part of Diversity Days, we focused on:
Through this initiative we promoted the idea of Diversity & Inclusion. We also made our employees aware of the importance of equal opportunities and fighting exclusion.
You can read more about our initiatives to promote diversity in the workplace later in the chapter. In 2020, we have taken measures to promote respect for diversity and to build awareness, both among customers and the society. We stand in solidarity with the LGBT+ community. In response to difficult social situations, we have created the „A zone open to everyone” project. in 2019. We have expressed our firm disapproval of any discrimination, including that which is built on prejudices about gender identity and sexual orientation. The Bank’s branches have been marked with a rainbow-themed frame – a symbol of the LGBT+ community, expressing in this way that regardless of gender identity and orientation, skin colour, fitness or views, everyone in our community is treated with respect and handled with due care. For we believe that in a changing world everyone should feel safe being themselves. In 2020, we strengthened efforts to support the LGBT+ community. We showed solidarity and support during the Rainbow Friday campaign. We also organized a webinar for employees to support children and young people with adolescence issues, including gender identity or sexual orientation. We are actively involved in activities promoting diversity and preventing the exclusion, e.g. through numerous activities in the areas of cultural support, equal opportunities through education and facilitation of our establishments for the excluded.
You can read more about our work on cultural diversity in the Community section.
You can read more about our efforts to promote diversity and equal social opportunities in the Community section.
You can read more about our support for people from groups at risk of exclusion in the Community section.
You can read more about increasing the availability of the Bank in the Economy section.
The oldest employee (age)
The youngest employee (age)
The average age of employees
The longest period of service
Structure of employment | Woman | Man | Total |
Directors | 36.9% | 63.1% | 100.0% |
Managers | 61.4% | 38.6% | 100.0% |
Other posts | 66.3% | 33.7% | 100.0% |
Total | 64.4% | 35.6% | 100.0% |
In the category of „Directors” the Directors of Divisions, Directors of Departments, Directors of Offices, Directors of Regions, Directors of Macro-Regions and members of the Boards of Companies of the BNP Paribas Bank Polska S.A. Capital Group were included.
Other supervisors were included in the „Managers” category.
The percentage refers to the number of active employees in the Capital Group BNP Paribas Bank Polska S.A. (8,656 persons).
Structure of employment | Woman | Man | Total |
Directors | 37.7% | 62.3% | 100.0% |
Managers | 62.0% | 38.0% | 100.0% |
Other posts | 66.6% | 33.4% | 100.0% |
Total | 64.8% | 35.2% | 100.0% |
The „Directors” category includes Directors of Divisions, Directors of Departments, Directors of Offices, Directors of Regions, Directors of Macro-Regions and members of the Management Board of BNP Paribas Bank Polska S.A.
Other supervisors were included in the „Managers” category.
The percentage ratio refers to the number of active employees at BNP Paribas Bank Polska S.A. (8,423 persons).
Structure of employment | <30 years old | 30-50 years old | >50 years old |
Directors | 0.2% | 84.7% | 15.1% |
Managers | 3.6% | 85.7% | 10.7% |
Other posts | 16.9% | 73.5% | 9.5% |
Total | 14.7% | 75.4% | 9.9% |
In the category of „Directors” were included Directors of Divisions, Directors of Departments, Directors of Offices, Directors of Regions, Directors of Macro-Regions and members of the Boards of Companies of the BNP Paribas Bank Polska S.A. Capital Group.
Other supervisors were included in the „Managers” category.
The percentage refers to the number of active employees in the Capital Group BNP Paribas Bank Polska S.A. (8,656 persons).
Structure of employment | <30 years old | 30-50 years old | >50 years old |
Directors | 0.3% | 84.8% | 15.0% |
Managers | 3.6% | 85.8% | 10.6% |
Other posts | 16.8% | 73.6% | 9.6% |
Including | 14.6% | 75.4% | 10.0% |
In the category of „Directors” were included Directors of Divisions, Directors of Departments, Directors of Offices, Directors of Regions, Directors of Macro-Regions and members of the Boards of Companies of the BNP Paribas Bank Polska S.A. Capital Group.
Other supervisors were included in the „Managers” category.
The percentage ratio refers to the number of active employees at BNP Paribas Bank Polska S.A. (8,423 persons).
Woman | Man | Total | |
Members of the Supervisory Boards of The Capital Group Companies | 7 | 23 | 30 |
Members of the Management Boards of the Capital Group Companies | 2 | 17 | 19 |
Total | 9 | 40 | 49 |
Women | Man | Total | |
Supervisory Board | 3 | 9 | 12 |
Management Board | 0 | 9 | 9 |
Key managers | 28 | 47 | 75 |
Total | 31 | 65 | 96 |
<30 years old | 30-50 years old | >50 years old | |
Members of the Supervisory Boards of The Capital Group Companies | 0 | 16 | 14 |
Members of the Management Boards of the Capital Group Companies | 0 | 10 | 9 |
30-40 | 40-50 | 50-60 | >60 | |
Supervisory Board | 0 | 2 | 6 | 4 |
Management Board | 0 | 2 | 7 | 0 |
Key managers | 10 | 53 | 11 | 1 |
Length of service in the bank | <5 | 5-10 | 10-15 | 15-20 | 20-25 | >25 |
Management Board | 5 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Key managers | 24 | 14 | 8 | 16 | 11 | 2 |
Total | 29 | 16 | 9 | 16 | 11 | 3 |
In the field of employing people with disabilities, we have established cooperation with external entities that support us in better adapting the organization to increase the employment of people with disabilities and conduct training and planning internal communication promoting an open, inclusive workplace. In 2021, we plan to continue the training, launch a campaign aimed at employees, and focus on further adapting the organization and recruitment of people with disabilities.
Diversity is the highest value of our organization. 68 percent of Bank employees are women, so it is very important for them to feel appreciated and have the possibility of personal development adequate to their needs. The Bank’s employees launched the bottom-up initiative „Women Changing BNP Paribas” to work on strengthening the role of women in the organization, promoting the idea of Diversity & Inclusion in the Bank, and building men’s involvement in gender equality activities.
As a part of the initiative, among other things, a survey on equal treatment of women and men and observed behaviour in employee relations was conducted among the employees. A dedicated Women Up development program (described later in this chapter) was also developed for women.
Power Zone
Blossoming Zone
Voice Zone
Change Zone
Openness Zone
Power Zone Ambassadors were also appointed as part of the program. They are 55 women from 28 localities who work in the Bank’s sales network. Their role is to engage their colleagues in the network and explore the needs of women working in branches, business centers and macro-regions.
The publication of the Code of Diversity, trainings, workshops, a mentoring program by women for men (but also vice versa – by men for women), media presence, cooperation with organisations that support and work for women – are the selected activities on which the leaders and ambassadors of the program will focus in 2021.
As part of unique development programs, we implement the Women Up program, dedicated to women working in the Bank. It was prepared by the Blossoming Zone, operating as part of the „Women changing BNP Paribas” project. It is an annual development program that allows participants to identify and strengthen their talents or develop personal branding skills. In order to participate in the program, it was necessary to submit bold ideas of the changes that you want to implement in the Bank. The program is based on three pillars: transparency, objectivity and action.
In 2020, 166 applications were received during the recruitment process, from which the Jury selected 101 participants. Finally, a list of ideas was created, the top ten of which were called diamond ideas. They will be implemented in project groups. They are amongst others:
A program for women and men returning from childcare leave
A development program dedicated to people of + age, aimed at integrating and drawing on their rich experience
A space to exchange ideas, inspiration, jointly solve business problems and learn about global trends in AI, big data, VR etc.
In addition to participating in the development program, the authors of ideas also received the support of Patrons – high-level managers, who will support the implementation of ideas in the organization. #WomenUp is an extraordinary initiative at the Bank promoting team collaboration that strengthens and builds a sense of belonging and community of employees.
In 2020, we were also involved in promoting external initiatives that strengthened and developed the potential of women in Poland:
Women considering starting their own business are often looking for inspiration and support. It helps them take that first bold step. They also look at the achievements of other women. These so-called role models, give them faith that it is possible. The Businesswoman of the Year competition has already promoted several hundred of such inspiring Polish women (role models) who set paths, show new areas, break stereotypes. Thanks to a long-term cooperation, such as this one with BNP Paribas Bank Polska S.A., we have a chance to introduce a real change on the market, both in the area of equalising opportunities and utilising the talent potential of both genders, and to promote diversity.
We are a Bank that supports women in various aspects of life, especially in their professional development. However, actions are more important than words, therefore 100 key managers of BNP Paribas Group, including Przemek Gdański – the Chairman of the Management Board of BNP Paribas Bank Polska S.A., joined the #JamaisSansElles (Never Without Her) initiative. The French Association #JamassSansElles works to promote equal opportunities and the visibility of women in public life. By signing the #JamaisSansElles charter, BNP Paribas Group board members and now key managers from 14 countries, have pledged not to attend any public event over three people – debates, expert panels, roundtable discussions – unless a woman is present.
For a long time we have been witnessing social and cultural shifts in parental involvement in child rearing, particularly a shift in attitudes toward fatherhood among young men. At the Bank, we support diversity and equal opportunities in the workplace for both parents.
In 2020, as a partner of the Share The Care Foundation, we co-created the „Employers' Guide 50/50 – that pays off for everyone. The role of employers in encouraging men to take parental leave.” As part of the project, we also engaged in a series of premiere online debates on equalizing both parents' right to child care and its benefits. As a Bank of a changing world, we have been seeing changes in parental trends and the growing role of fathers in raising children for a long time. This is confirmed by research. According to the “Family Power” study and the „Diagnosis of attitudes, motivations and barriers towards paternity and parental leave” study, women and men agree that both sexes are equally good carers for their children (79%). That is why, as a Bank of a changing world, we promote the idea of parental equality and engage in initiatives to support its implementation.
Woman | Man | Total | |
Number of employees entitled to parental leave | 6,224 | 2,986 | 9,210 |
Number of employees who took parental leave | 618 | 4 | 622 |
The data relate to maternit, paternity and parental leaves.
Together with BNP Paribas Bank Polska S.A., we promoted the idea of equal opportunity diversity in the workplace for both parents. This is a very important area in the Bank's activity. Employees are encouraged to get involved in actions promoting openness, tolerance and counteracting exclusion. There are numerous bottom-up initiatives supporting equal opportunities, employment of people with disabilities and reconciliation of family and professional roles for women and men. As a result, the Bank is one of the labour market leaders in the area of strengthening work-family balance and respecting the right of both parents to care for their children.