Integrated Report 2020

CSR and Sustainability

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We believe that a holistic approach is a prerequisite for achieving results in the area of responsibility. Therefore, we implement the BNP Paribas Bank Polska S.A. CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) and Sustainability Strategy. Its four pillars are: 

  • financing the economy in an ethical manner,  
  • responsible approach to the development of our employees,
  • being an agent of positive social change, 
  • supporting energy transformation and counteracting climate change. 

The CSR and Sustainability Strategy is consistent with the Strategy of the BNP Paribas Group. It is also a crucial part of the „Fast Forward” strategy. 

The BNP Paribas Bank Polska S.A. CSR and Sustainability Strategy consists of 12 commitments under 4 pillars of responsibility: economic, workplace, social and environmental.  

CSR and Sustainability Strategy of Bank BNP Paribas CSR and Sustainability Strategy of Bank BNP Paribas

A key dimension of our Bank’s responsibility is long-term support for economic development achieved by financing the projects of individual Clients and enterprises – so as to support their growth. At the same time, we monitor CSR risks in sensitive sectors, and financing decisions are made after analyses of a project’s social, economic and environmental impact. A balanced approach in terms of economic responsibility is understood as long-term financing of the economy and building lasting relationships with Clients and other stakeholders, in accordance with ethical principles. Thus, it is possible to balance the quality of transactions with the expected profit in the short and long term. 

Our aim is to create a positive environment which supports the professional development of employees and their commitment. We promote openness, respect for diversity and readiness for professional mobility. The basis of our Bank’s organisational culture is a focus on cooperation and relationship building, care for a good workplace atmosphere, mutual support within the organisation and providing feedback. We care for our employees and invest in the development of their careers through a wide range of development programs. Our goal is to create a friendly workplace – one where respect, tolerance and trust are valued. We regularly measure the level of our employees’ satisfaction in opinion surveys. 

Social responsibility means active involvement within the Bank’s social environment. It is a focus on areas where the Bank can contribute to a positive social change in the most adequate way, i.e. combating social exclusion, supporting education and culture, especially in small communities. It also entails increasing the availability of products and services, openness to the Clients' needs and undertaking initiatives for local communities. We focus on initiatives which support positive social change, including: counteracting social exclusion, supporting education and culture. We are proud of the social commitment of our employees and of the numerous BNP Paribas Foundation programs which offer educational support, and thus – strengthen social capital. 

BNP Paribas Bank Polska S.A. implements its environmental responsibility in three dimensions: sustainable financing of the economy and our Customers by supporting the energy transformation, reducing the negative impact of operating activities and promoting eco-attitudes among employees and Customers, as well as involvement in cross-sectoral initiatives. 


In 2018, the BNP Paribas Group introduced a global, inter-area “Engagement Idea”, which is based on four pillars of involvement: 

  • energy transformation,  
  • support for young people, 
  • entrepreneurship,  
  • local communities. 

The Idea is based on our CSR Strategy and is a development of our economic responsibility commitment: “the positive impact of investments and financing”. The goal of the BNP Paribas Group is to implement the Engagement Idea (with regard to local conditions) through the development of products and added-value services that will respond to current social and environmental challenges. It is particularly important for Engagement Idea to support the implementation of our Sustainable Development Goals through, i.a, financing the energy transformation, offering eco-friendly products and services, supporting entrepreneurship of youth and women, as well as other initiatives. In October 2019, a group of the Bank’s Management Board members and 100 key managers, participated in a workshop. The goal was to develop new products and services which are consistent with the Engagement Idea and which support our Clients’ sustainable development. The results of the workshop were gradually implemented by business areas throughout 2020 (in cooperation with the CSR Bureau) through the development of the Bank’s offer and initiatives in the area of transformation 

“Engagement Idea” projects implemented at BNP Paribas Bank Polska S.A. in 2020 include: 

  • “myImpact”, 
  • “Nitrogen Limitation”,  
  • “Build New Planet – Energy Efficiency Platform”, 
  • “Household Green Revolution”, 
  • “Green FTP”,  
  • New features on the platform. 

Existing and new “Engagement Idea” initiatives will be developed in 2021. 

The Bank’s contribution to the implementation of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, the Sustainable Development Summit was held in New York. The international community – UN member states – adopted a new world development plan: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It is a vision of building a better world for the benefit of all – a recovery plan for the world.

E_SDG_poster_UN_emblem_WEB 2020 E_SDG_poster_UN_emblem_WEB 2020

The 2030 Agenda lists 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 accompanying tasks to be realised worldwide by 2030. They concern actions in 5 key areas (the so-called 5×P): people, planet, prosperity, peace and partnership 

The Sustainable Development Goals are to be achieved by governments, international organisations, NGOs, the science sector, business and individual citizens 

The CSR and Sustainability Strategy of BNP Paribas Bank Polska S.A. supports the implementation of SDGs. Within the 4 pillars of responsibility, we have identified our most important Goals. We believe that the achievement of Goal 17 is essential for the success of the 2030 Agenda, therefore we actively undertake cross-sector cooperation for sustainability. 

Kontrybucja do SDGs ENG Kontrybucja do SDGs ENG

The contribution of BNP Paribas Bank Polska S.A. to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals is consistent with the policy of the BNP Paribas Group. The latter includes the pursuit of Sustainable Development Goals, as they are the only path to economic growth which takes social and environmental issues into account. The responsibility of the BNP Paribas Group includes primarily: long-term financing of the economy and building lasting relationships with Customers in accordance with ethical principles, a responsible approach to employee development and involvement, increasing the availability of products and services, openness to Customer needs and initiatives for local communities, limiting the negative impact of operations on the environment, pro-ecological products and services, and popularisation of eco-attitudes. 

We encourage you to read more about the SDG initiatives of the BNP Paribas Group. 

Examples of the Bank’s SDG initiatives:

  • “Noble Gift 
  • The Local Grants Program 
  • Social projects 
  • Support for Food Banks 
  • BEneFIT 
  • “Well” program 
  • “Good Kilometres” program 
  • Withdrawal from the tobacco sector
  • “Class” scholarship program 
  • “Bakcyl” competence volunteering program 
  • “Mission: Education”  
  • “Women Changing BNP Paribas” program 
  • Partnership with the “Share The Care” Foundation 
  • The „Water? Yes! Plastic? No!” program 
  • Promoting eco-attitudes  
  • Financing of renewable energy sources (RES) 
  • Financing the development of the Polish economy 
  • Supporting the development of strategic Clients 
  • Technological loans 
  • Accessibility of products and services 
  • Initiatives for Diversity 
  • Financing thermo-modernisation 
  • The “Eco-City” Initiative 
  • Support for the sustainable development of the Food & Agro sector 
  • The “Bank of Green Changes” program 
  • Eco-fleet 
  • Withdrawal from the coal sector 
  • CSR policies 
  • Agro Academy 
  • Campaign for optimal nitrogen-based fertilisation 
  • The Bank’s ”Apiary under the stars” 
  • Support for afforestation 
  • ”Paperless” project 
  • Partnership in the ”Ethics in Finance” competition 
  • Declaration of Responsible Sales 
  • Partnership with: the Responsible Business Forum, the Polish Bank Association, UN Global Compact Network Poland, the French-Polish Chamber of Commerce 

More information on the Bank’s efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals can be found at  

Promoting CSR and Sustainability

At BNP Paribas Bank Polska S.A., we believe that big changes start with the small ones that we introduce ourselves. Therefore, in our daily activities, we support the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – a global plan to fix the world. In the European Week of Sustainable Development, we organise CSR Days. During the whole week, employees learn about the 4 pillars of the Bank’s responsibility and about ways to change their environment for the better. In 2020, CSR Days were held in June, and for the first time, they were fully remote. During virtual meetings under the slogan „Responsibility unites us”, the Bank’s employees had the opportunity to learn more about acting for the benefit of local communities, preventive healthcare, ways to improve health, environmental protection and life in accordance with the „zero waste” philosophy.

The ambition of the BNP Paribas Group is to be a leader in the field of sustainable development and a positive impact on our environment. We strive to give our employees the relevant knowledge. Therefore, we launched the WE ENGAGE training program in 2020. It is a 6-episode mini-series, each episode includes putting the acquired knowledge to the test. In order to encourage employee commitment to sustainable development, the BNP Paribas Group has decided to donate 1 Euro to the global Help2Help program for each employee who participates in WE ENGAGE 

Care for the natural environment is one of the key commitments of BNP Paribas Bank Polska S.A. We believe that great changes begin with ourselves, which is why we pay great attention to everyday initiatives which help our planet. In April 2019, after many years of intense efforts for the protection of the natural environment, we inaugurated the Bank of Green Changes Program. It aggregates all the organisation’s previous pro-climate initiatives. 

The Bank of Green Changes program consists of an internal educational campaign targeted at employees of all areas of the Bank, substantial organisational changes (so-called ‘eco-improvements’) and a constantly developing offer of pro-ecological products and services. Establishing partnerships and promoting climate justice is also an important part of our initiatives and industry events. We include both our employees and the Bank’s Clients in initiatives to combat climate change. Thanks to our joint involvement in eco-initiatives, we are the Bank of Green Changes. 

For more information about the Bank of Green Changes Program, see the Environmental Responsibility chapter. 

As part of our partnership with the Responsible Business Forum, we have been co-creating the Responsible Business League for many years. It is a free educational program about CSR for students. The CSR Ambassadors of the League train under the guidance of experts and promote corporate social responsibility and sustainability at universities and in local communities. The Responsible Business League contributes to the emergence of new managers, entrepreneurs, social animators and change leaders. In the 16th edition of the League, we were the patron of the „Management and CSR” path. 

Experts of BNP Paribas Bank Polska S.A. also share their experience and good practices in the field of CSR and Sustainability during industry events and conferences. For more information, see the Economic Events section. 

2020 Ranking of Responsible Companies

Our corporate responsibility initiatives are regularly appreciated in the Ranking of Responsible Companies. In 2020, the Bank took first place in the general classification for the second time. We were also placed first in the banking, financial and insurance sector categories.

The position of a leader in such a prestigious ranking is an honour. It shows appreciation for the commitment and hard work of all employees who care about strengthening the responsibility of our organisation, and are involved in important social and environmental initiatives. It is also an obligation to work further and to promote good practices.

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