The Unia+ Loan is a product intended for projects co-financed with EU funds. EU grants are disbursed mainly upon project completion, therefore in order to carry out the intended investments it is necessary to have sufficient funds to finance the project in advance, which can be obtained thanks to the offer of the Unia+ Loan. The product has been developed based on the Bank’s experience gained since the pre-accession funds. BNP Paribas Bank Polska S.A. is the leader in financing EU investments in the agribusiness sector, and additionally has a significant share in financing projects with subsidies in the non-agro sector.
The Union+ Loan does not only mean financing. With the support of experts who deal with the subject of EU funds at the Bank, our advisors are ready to provide you with consultations at every stage of the application process or implementation of a subsidized project.
More information can be found HERE.