Our priority is to treat all employees and external partners fairly, with respect and without regard to age, gender, position, religion, nationality or belief.
In 2012, BNP Paribas Group signed the BNP Paribas Declaration on Human Rights, thus committing to ensure respect for human rights in the area of its influence and covering employees, suppliers, Customers and communities. In addition, the BNP Paribas Group Code of Conduct describes the importance of treating all employees with respect. The Code sets out the expected behaviour and attitudes of employees inside and outside the organisation. In addition, by signing a document entitled BNP Paribas Agreement on Fundamental Rights and Global Social Solutions, the BNP Paribas Group confirmed its compliance with international standards on human rights and their promotion, as well as its support for the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
The BNP Paribas Group observes a number of principles and standards that guide its business activities. These include in particular:
Good practice
In 2020, BNP Paribas Group has prepared a special e-learning module entitled ‘Understanding and implementing human rights in the company’. This module is mandatory for employees who are involved in identifying potential risks regarding human rights violations. These include employees in areas such as CSR, risk, purchasing and sales managers. The assignment and execution of this training by employees from the aforementioned areas is monitored from a global level. The training is also made available to all interested employees. The training was assigned to 103 people and 86 of them completed it in 2020.
In addition, the Bank's Human Resources Management Department regularly provides training on discrimination and bullying. In 2020, two webinars were organised, attended by nearly 900 employees. They were conducted by legal adviser, president of the Polish Society of Anti-discrimination, Karolina Kędziora.
The Bank’s human rights management includes, inter alia: monitoring the rate of reports on mobbing, discrimination, harassment and violations of employee rights.
BNP Paribas Bank Polska S.A. does not tolerate any signs of mobbing in the organisation. The rules of counteracting mobbing are regulated by the Anti-Mobbing Policy implemented in the Bank. It enables the employer to prevent mobbing and to react immediately if it occurs.
The Anti-Mobbing Commission deals with the examination of employee reports in this respect.
The Bank has implemented Principles for dealing with reports of harassment and sexual harassment in professional relations. These enable the safe reporting of reasonable suspicions without fear of retaliation against those who report such incidents. This document regulates the protection of human rights. It implements solutions adopted in the BNP Paribas Group Policy Treatment of harassment notifications.
The Diversity Management Policy contains rules regarding behaviour in the area of managing the risk of discrimination. It aims to create and promote a diverse work environment that uses the potential of all employees. The policy commits to comply with the adopted principles in all human resources management processes.
In 2020: