Integrated Report 2020

21. Loans and advances to customers measured at amortised cost

Loans and advances to customers measured at amortised cost Gross balance
sheet value
Allowance Net balance
sheet value
Loans and advances for:
Non-banking financial entities 595,102 (1,934) 593,168
current account loans 492,335 (1,577) 490,758
investment loans 96,141 (259) 95,882
other loans 6,626 (98) 6,528
Retail customers: 33,802,097 (1,172,830) 32,629,267
mortgage loans 22,559,727 (363,664) 22,196,063
other loans 11,242,370 (809,166) 10,433,204
Corporate customers: 38,673,033 (1,863,349) 36,809,684
current account loans 17,823,636 (1,135,775) 16,687,861
investment loans 13,921,875 (512,585) 13,409,290
other loans 6,927,522 (214,989) 6,712,533
including retail farmers: 8,118713 (453,098) 7,665,615
current account loans 3,979,679 (229,272) 3,750,407
investment loans 4,125,187 (222,105) 3,903,082
other loans 13,847 (1,721) 12,126
Public sector institutions: 101,382 (2,268) 99,114
current account loans 70,300 (1,649) 68,651
investment loans 30,448 (611) 29,837
other loans 634 (8) 626
Lease receivables 4,112,460 (146,424) 3,966,036
Total loans and advances to customers measured at amortised cost 77,284,074 (3,186,805) 74,097,269


Loans and advances to customers measured at amortised cost Gross balance
sheet value
Allowance Net balance
sheet value
Loans and advances for:
Non-banking financial entities 576,521 (2,314) 574,207
current account loans 275,915 (1,191) 274,724
investment loans 195,443 (614) 194,829
other loans 105,163 (509) 104,654
Retail customers: 29,997,525 (1,158,392) 28,839,133
mortgage loans 18,526,757 (301,880) 18,224,877
other loans 11,470,768 (856,512) 10,614,256
Podmiotom gospodarczym: 40,365,447 (1,939,521) 38,425,926
current account loans 20,395,569 (1,163,590) 19,231,979
investment loans 14,066,034 (571,781) 13,494,253
other loans 5,903,844 (204,150) 5,699,694
including retail farmers: 8,732,840 (408,748) 8,324,092
current account loans 4,389,269 (206,874) 4,182,395
investment loans 4,328,560 (200,839) 4,127,721
other loans 15,011 (1,035) 13,976
Public sector institutions: 129,915 (1,925) 127,990
current account loans 93,583 (1,294) 92,289
investment loans 35,635 (623) 35,012
Lease receivables 3,995,444 (126,057) 3,869,387
Total loans and advances to customers measured at amortised cost 75,064,852 (3,228,209) 71,836,643


Loans and advances to customers by Stages is presented below:

31.12.2020 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total POCI
Loans and advances for: 65,969,373 7,165,450 4,149,251 77,284 074 324,756
Non-banking financial entities 593,444 33 1,625 595,102 80
Retail customers 30,416,993 1,940,388 1,444,716 33,802,097 71,872
Corporate customers: 31,474,785 4,699,506 2,498,742 38,673,033 252,760
including retail farmers 6,069,509 1,259,809 789,395 8,118,713 2
Public sector entities: 98,992 2,346 44 101,382 44
Lease receivables 3,385,159 523,177 204,124 4,112,460
Impairment allowance on loans and receivables for: (505,527) (594,339) (2,086,939) (3,186,805) (47,810)
Non-banking financial entities (1,213) (3) (718) (1 934) (23)
Retail customers (197,518) (226,981) (748,331) (1,172,830) (10,127)
Corporate customers: (274,643) (346,822) (1,241,884) (1,863,349) (37,648)
including retail farmers (48,403) (116,224) (288,471) (453,098) (1)
Public sector entities: (1,990) (266) (12) (2,268) (12)
Lease receivables (30,163) (20,267) (95,994) (146,424)
Net loans and advances to customers measured at amortised cost 65,463,846 6,571,111 2,062,312 74,097,269 276,946


31.12.2019 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total POCI
Loans and advances for: 63,874,173 6,910,703 4,279,976 75,064,852 442,061
Non-banking financial entities 575,529 84 908 576,521 73
Retail customers 26,877,993 1,786,916 1,332,616 29,997,525 103,974
Corporate customers: 33,009,871 4,606,005 2,749,571 40,365,447 337,974
including retail farmers 6,997,926 966,263 768,651 8,732,840 17
Public sector entities: 127,419 2,362 134 129,915 40
Lease receivables 3,283,361 515,336 196,747 3,995,444
Impairment allowance on loans and receivables for: (462,118) (481,781) (2,284,310) (3,228,209) (52,253)
Non-banking financial entities (1,907) (10) (397) (2,314) (21)
Retail customers (185,466) (206,902) (766,024) (1,158,392) (11,089)
Corporate customers: (246,545) (248,549) (1 444,427) (1,939,521) (41,137)
including retail farmers (34,731) (77,123) (296,894) (408,748) (4)
Public sector entities: (1,756) (82) (87) (1,925) (6)
Lease receivables (26,444) (26,238) (73,375) (126,057)
Net loans and advances to customers measured at amortised cost 63,412,055 6,428,922 1,995,666 71,836,643 389,808


Impairment allowance of loans and advances to customers measured at amortised cost

Change in impairment allowances Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total
Opening balance as at 1 January 2020 (462,118) (481,781) (2,284,310) (3,228,209)
Increase due to acquisition or origination (319,230) (79,283) (123,188) (521,701)
Decrease due to derecognition 55,275 21,739 10,794 87,808
Changes resulting from the change in credit risk (net) 211,530 28,883 (552,009) (311,596)
Use of allowances 27 910,989 911,016
Other changes (including foreign exchange differences) 9,016 (83,924) (49,215) (124,123)
Closing balance as at 31 December 2020  (505,527) (594,339) (2,086,939) (3,186,805)
Change in impairment allowances Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total
Opening balance as at 1 January 2019 (513,974) (505,675) (2,037,312) (3,056,961)
Increase due to acquisition or origination (199,492) (98,756) (106,446) (404,694)
Decrease due to derecognition 31,927 11,549 75,258 118,734
Changes resulting from the change in credit risk (net) 216,288 99,516 (457,651) (141,847)
Use of allowances 203,386 203,386
Other changes (including foreign exchange differences) 3,133 11,585 38,455 53,173
Closing balance as at 31 December 2019 (462,118) (481,781) (2,284,310) (3,228,209)


The total balance of long-term loans and advances due to customers as at 31 December 2020 amounted to PLN 63,711,558 thousand (PLN 62,668,563 thousand as at 31 December 2019).

Gross amount of foreign currency mortgage loans for retail customers (in PLN ‘000)

Loans by currency 31.12.2020 31.12.2019
CHF 4,822,478 4,839,915
EUR 47,606 49,088
PLN 17,687,284 13,634,997
USD 2,359 2,757
Total 22,559,727 18,526,757


Value of CHF loan portfolio Gross balance sheet value including CHF exposures Allowance including CHF exposures
Loans and advances for:
Non-banking financial entities 595,102 (1,934)
current account loans 492,335 (1,577)
investment loans 96,141 (259)
other loans 6,626 (98)
Retail customers: 33,802,097 4,876,681 (1,172,830) (235,754)
mortgage loans 22,559,727 4,822,478 (363,664) (223,878)
other loans 11,242,370 54,203 (809,166) (11,876)
Corporate customers: 38,673,033 148,909 (1,863,349) (12,064)
current account loans 17,823,636 137,511 (1,135,775) (7,502)
investment loans 13,921,875 10,068 (512,585) (4,560)
other loans 6,927,522 1,330 (214,989) (2)
including retail farmers: 8,118,713 3,094 (453,098) (493)
current account loans 3,979,679 2,998 (229,272) (493)
investment loans 4,125,187 96 (222,105)
other loans 13,847 (1,721)
Public sector institutions: 101,382 (2,268)
current account loans 70,300 (1,649)
investment loans 30,448 (611)
other loans 634 (8)
Lease receivables 4,112,460 38,940 (146,424) (7,448)
Total loans and advances 77,284,074 5,064,530 (3,186,805) (255,266)


Value of CHF loan portfolio Gross balance
sheet value
including CHF exposures Allowance including CHF exposures
Loans and advances for:
Non-banking financial entities 576,521 (2,314)
current account loans 275,915 (1,191)
investment loans 195,443 (614)
other loans 105,163 (509)
Retail customers: 29,997,525 4,898,041 (1,158,392) (173,819)
mortgage loans 18,526,757 4,839,915 (301,880) (164,191)
other loans 11,470,768 58,126 (856,512) (9,628)
Corporate customers: 40,365,447 148,434 (1,939,521) (8,532)
current account loans 20,395,569 135,201 (1,163,590) (5,542)
investment loans 14,066,034 11,096 (571,781) (2,986)
other loans 5,903,844 2,137 (204,150) (4)
including retail farmers: 8,732,840 3,447 (408,748) (261)
current account loans 4,389,269 3,306 (206,874) (261)
investment loans 4,328,560 141 (200,839)
other loans 15,011 (1,035)
Public sector institutions: 129,915 (1,925)
current account loans 93,583 (1,294)
investment loans 35,635 (623)
other loans 697 (8)
Lease receivables 3,995,444 42,710 (126,057) (7,558)
Total loans and advances 75,064,852 5,089,185 (3,228,209) (189,909)

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