Integrated Report 2020

18. Amounts due from other banks

Amounts due from other banks 31.12.2020 31.12.2019
Gross balance
sheet value
Allowance Net balance
sheet value
Gross balance
sheet value
Allowance Net balance
sheet value
Current accounts 153,690 (224) 153,466 262,329 (534) 261,795
Interbank deposits 123,000 123,000 296,479 (4) 296,475
Loans and advances 1,511 (2) 1,509 7,097 (27) 7,070
Other receivables 498,189 (1,442) 496,747 114,323 (355) 113,968
Total amounts due from other banks 776,390 (1,668) 774,722 680,228 (920) 679,308


The total balance of long-term amounts due from banks as at 31 December 2020 amounted to PLN 330,838 thousand (PLN 194,659 thousand as at 31 December 2019).

Change in impairment allowance on amounts due from other banks 31.12.2020 31.12.2019
Balance at the beginning of the period (920) (1,261)
Increases due to acquisition or origination (7,760) (475)
Decreases due to derecognition 5,874 2 211
Changes resulting from the change in credit risk (net) 217 (1,941)
Other changes (including foreign exchange differences) 921 546
Balance at the end of the period (1,668) (920)


As at 31 December 2020 and 31 December 2019, amounts due from other banks were classified as Stage 1.

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