Compliance management in the area of employment includes, amongst others, monitoring compliance with the Anti-mobbing policy and respect for human rights.
BNP Paribas Bank Polska S.A. does not tolerate any mobbing in the organization. The rules for counteracting mobbing are regulated by the Anti-mobbing policy implemented at the Bank. It enables the employer to take actions aimed at preventing this phenomenon, and in the event of a problem – to react immediately. Employees are regularly informed about where and how they can report worrying situations. Examination of employees' reports in this regard is handled by the Commission for Counteracting Mobbing.
We also do not tolerate harassment or sexual harassment in the workplace. The Bank implemented Rules of conduct in the event of reports of harassment and sexual harassment in professional relationships. They enable safe reporting of reasonably justified suspicions without fear of retaliation against reporting persons. The perpetrator of potential psychological harassment is subject to disciplinary action.
Our organization participates in initiatives to build an ethical and safe workplace. All human rights policies can be found in the Governance Foundations Chapter.
We also systematically examine the compliance and consistency of processes, procedures and actions taken regarding the management of human resources with the laws, requirements of national and EU supervisory authorities and the standards of the BNP Paribas Bank Polska S.A. Capital Group, to which the Bank belongs.
Additionally, we analyse individual processes in terms of safeguarding against specific risks, such as litigation with employees, reputational damage, occurrences of abuse, corruption, as well as phenomena in the widely understood environment – e.g. labour market trends that affect amongst others the recruitment process, incentive schemes and career paths in the Bank. When a risk is detected, process owners take measures to reduce the risk and keep it at an acceptable, i.e. low or moderate level. These activities are monitored and reported under the operational risk management system.
Risk management in the employee area is effective and supports the implementation of the Bank’s strategic business objectives.