The provision for deferred income tax is recognised in the full amount using the balance sheet method, due to positive temporary differences between the tax value of assets and liabilities, and their balance sheet value in the financial statements. Deferred tax assets are recognised for all negative temporary differences, as well as unused tax credits and unused tax losses carried forward to the subsequent years, in the amount in which it is probable that taxable income will be generated that will allow the use of the above mentioned differences, assets and losses. Deferred income tax is determined using tax rates (and regulations) in force or at the end of the reporting period, which are expected to be effective at the time of realisation of the related assets due to deferred income tax or settlement of liabilities due to deferred income tax.
If the temporary differences arose as a result of the recognition of an asset or liability resulting from a transaction that is not a business combination and which at the time of the conclusion did not affect the tax or accounting result, the deferred tax is not recognised. In addition, a deferred tax provision is created for positive temporary differences arising from investments in subsidiaries or associates and investments in joint ventures – except the situations when the timing of temporary differences reversal is subject to control by the entity and when it is probable that in the foreseeable future, temporary differences will not be reversed Deferred tax assets in the event of negative temporary differences from investments in subsidiaries or associates and investments in joint ventures, only to the extent that it is probable that in the foreseeable future the abovementioned temporary differences will be reversed and taxable income allowing to offset any negative temporary differences will be generated.
The balance sheet amount of the deferred tax asset is reviewed at the end of each reporting period and is reduced accordingly, and so far as it is no longer probable that taxable income sufficient for partial or total realisation of the deferred tax asset will be realised. An unrecognised deferred tax asset is subject to reassessment at the end of each reporting period and is recognised up to an amount that reflects the probability of achieving future taxable income that will allow recovery of that asset. The Group offsets deferred tax assets with deferred tax provisions if and only if it has an enforceable legal title to compensate corresponding receivables and liabilities due to current tax and deferred income tax is related to the same taxpayer and the same tax authority.
Income tax related to the items recognised directly in equity is recognised in equity and in the statement of comprehensive income.
In 2020 and 2019, current income tax and deferred tax provision were calculated using the 19% rate.