Annual report 2019

Consolidated statement of profit or loss

Note 12 months ended
12 months ended
Interest income 4 4,188,083 2,983,829
Interest income calculated with the use of effective interest rate method 3,969,451 2,790,197
interest income on financial instruments measured at amortised cost 3,753,506 2,622,392
interest income on financial instruments measured at fair value through other comprehensive income 215,945 167,805
Income of a similar nature to interest on instruments measured at fair value through profit or loss 218,632 193,632
Interest expense 4 (1,019,324) (876,978)
Net interest income 3,168,759 2,106,851
Fee and commission income 5 1,042,700 724,714
Fee and commission expenses 5 (222,763) (157,324)
Net fee and commission income 819,937 567,390
Dividend income 6 6,007 4,860
Net trading income 7 682,415 330,773
Result on investment activities 8 (31,836) 48,838
Result on fair value hedge accounting 20 (4,385) (9,997)
Net impairment losses on financial assets and contingent liabilities 9 (441,890) (557,682)
General administrative expenses 10, 11 (2,467,937) (1,859,672)
Depreciation and amortization 12 (454,147) (189,714)
Other operating income 13 182,705 387,778
Other operating expenses 14 (305,484) (147,407)
Operating result 1,154,144 682,018
Tax on financial institutions (281,189) (213,122)
Profit before tax 872,955 468,896
Income tax expenses 15 (258,261) (108,518)
Net profit 614,694 360,378
attributable to equity holders of the Group 614,694 36, 378
Earnings (loss) per share (in PLN per one share) 16
Basic 4.17 3.63
Diluted 4.17 3.63

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