The Bank’s comprehensive liquidity management system covers both immediate (intraday) and future (current, short-term as well as structural medium- and long-term) liquidity. Risk is managed by the Bank by building the statement of financial position and the financing structure reflected in the Bank’s financial statements including both balance and off-balance sheet items to ensure liquidity at any time, taking into consideration the profile of the Bank’s business, customer characteristics and behaviours as well as needs that may arise as a result of changes in the financial market. Additionally, the risk identification and measurement methods used by the Bank enable it to forecast future liquidity levels, also in stress conditions.
The Bank ensures separation and independence of its operations, risk management, control and reporting functions. In particular, transactions with contracting parties and customers are entered into by the business, confirmed and processed by Operations, immediate (intraday) and future liquidity is managed by ALM Treasury, daily supervision of the risk level and compliance with risk limits is the responsibility of the Risk Function, while supervisory liquidity measures are reported independently by the Finance Division.
The liquidity risk limits adopted by the Bank reduce its exposure to this type of risk. Risk is monitored and controlled based on documents adopted by resolutions of the Bank’s Management Board (risk measurement and monitoring policy and methodologies), developed in compliance with the guidelines formulated in Recommendation P of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority, the provisions of PFSA’s Resolution No. 386/2008 and Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/61. The Bank has an internal transfer pricing system in place, which reflects accurately the real financing cost for each asset and liability type, and the transfer pricing structure stimulates optimization of the statement of financial position, including diversification of the sources of funding, from the perspective of liquidity risk. LTD limits for each business line are an important additional component of that system, as they facilitate maintenance of a secure level of assets relative to liabilities, which is appropriate considering the characteristics of each line.
The level of liquidity risk appetite is determined by the Supervisory Board of the Bank and the risk management policy based on that appetite, including definition of general liquidity risk measures, is approved by the Management Board, whereas specific risk limits and their monitoring are the responsibility of ALCO. The Bank’s Management Board and Supervisory Board supervise the effectiveness of the liquidity risk management process based on periodic information and current reports.
In compliance with the requirements of PFSA’s Recommendation P, the Bank conducts numerous analyses verifying its ability to maintain liquidity in crisis situations. Stress tests cover comprehensive scenarios considering internal and system factors and combining different variants with possible interactions. Stress test results are taken into account in determining liquidity limits. The Bank has a comprehensive emergency plan in place. It comprises various scenarios along with action plans for liquidity crisis situations in the Bank and in the banking system as a whole. Stress test results are correlated with the emergency plan and reaching defined warning levels triggers the emergency plan.
On a quarterly basis, the Bank analyses liquidity risk at the consolidated level, taking into account individual subsidiaries whose balance sheet total exceeds 2% of the value of the Bank’s assets, and other subsidiaries, if their total balance sheet total exceeds 3% of the Bank’s assets.