Annual report 2019

40. Collaterals

The Group had the following assets pledged as collaterals for payment of its own and third-party liabilities:

Assets of the Group pledged as collaterals

The table below presents the balance sheet value of financial assets that have been established as collateral for contracted liabilities or contingent liabilities.

Assets pledged as collaterals 31.12.2019 31.12.2018
Guaranteed amount protection fund – Bank Guarantee Fund (BFG)
nominal value of collateral 440,000 470,000
type of collateral Treasury bonds
maturity 25.04.2028 25.04.2028
balance sheet amount of collateral 433,649 452,587
Collateral of BM BGŻ BNP Paribas S.A. transactions in securities deposited with the national depository for securities (KDPW) as part of the stock exchange guarantee fund
cash 3,265 3,265
Collateral for derivative transaction settlement
nominal value of collateral 62,795 105,037
type of collateral call deposits
(amounts due from banks)
Collateral of SPV settlements for securitization
nominal value of collateral 2,178,530 2,178,530
type of collateral receivables that are the subject of a
securitization transaction


Assets of the customer pledged as collaterals

The Bank has not established collateral on customer assets that may be sold or pledged.

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