Annual report 2019

36. Deferred income tax

Changes in deferred income tax in the financial year:

Deferred tax assets Deferred tax basis
as at 31.12.2019
Deferred tax basis
as at 31.12.2018
Charge arising
from changes in
asset for 2019
Outstanding interest accrued on liabilities, including CD interest and discount 383,295 415,219 (6,066)
Fair value measurement of derivative instruments and securities 499,382 438,881 11,495
Unrealized liabilities due to hedged items and hedging instruments 201,332 96,472 19,923
Impairment allowances on financial assets and provisions for contingent liabilities (non-deductible), which are probable to occur 3,765,364 4,116,280 (66,674)
Fair value adjustment due to credit risk of derivative instruments after maturity 587,794 814,853 (44,666)
Provision for retirement benefits and provision for restructuring 122,036 157,441 (6,599)
Other provisions for personnel costs 274,780 280,082 115
Provisions for non-personnel expenses 528,396 331,212 31,961
Impairment allowance on fixed and intangible assets 13,529 31,124 (3,343)
Impairment allowance on shares in subsidiaries and associates 63,274 46,673 3,154
Tax on civil law transactions – acquisition of shares in subsidiaries 77 77
Compensations paid 8,812 8,871 (50)
Impairment allowance on lease receivables 90,477 62,702 (115,343)
Impairment allowance on available for sale assets related to leasing operations 58,110 64,083 (1,135)
Surplus of the tax value of leased fixed assets over the book value of receivables 776,281 807,297 (1,124,919)
Lease down-payments 28,137 45,084 (70,835)
Deferred income from leasing operations 19,750 17,418 (26,123)
Leasing liabilities 608,343 115,585
Impairment allowances on other assets 5,509 2,211 627
Valuation of securities measured through other comprehensive income 8,971 7,749 232
Other deductible temporary differences 75,351 23,832 (33,958)
Total 8,119,000 7,767,561 (1,316,619)
Asset basis recognized in profit or loss (in the current and preceding years) and charge arising from changes in asset* 8,113,319 7,762,153 (1,322,482)
Basis for assets recognized in correspondence with revaluation reserve and charge arising from changes in asset 5,681 5,408 5,863
* Excluding the amount of PLN 25 thousand included in the settlement of the sale of an organized part of the enterprise in the form of CSK Leszno.


Unrecognized deferred tax asset is related to impairment allowances on loans and advances whose non-recoverability will not become probable in the future. The related unrecognized temporary differences amounted to PLN 40,586 thousand as at 31 December 2019 as compared to PLN 44,875 thousand as at 31 December 2018.

Deferred tax liability Deferred tax basis
as at 31.12.2019
Deferred tax basis
as at 31.12.2018
Charge arising
from changes in
asset for 2019
Accrued revenue from interest on amounts due (1,214,838) (1,260,080) (11,050)
Fair value measurement of derivative instruments and securities (712,514) (560,700) 28,845
Valuation of securities measured at fair value through other comprehensive income (163,587) (181,995) (3,498)
Difference between accounting and tax depreciation of the Bank’s own fixed assets (231,583) (279,480) (9,100)
Other accrued revenue (265) (50)
Net value of right of use (596,251) 113,288
R&D expenses (5,604) (5,752) (28)
Unrealized liabilities related to hedged items and hedging instruments (5,336) 1,014
Deferred costs of leasing operations (45,670) (32,753) (10,756)
Other taxable temporary differences (51,067) (2,395) (5,073)
Total (3,026,450) (2,323,420) 103,592
Liability basis recognized in profit or loss (in the current and preceding years) and charge arising from changes in liability** (2,862,877) (2,141,429) 107,087
Basis for liability charged to revaluation reserve and charge arising from changes in liability (163,573) (181,991) (3,495)
* Excluding the amount of PLN 25 thousand included in the settlement of the sale of an organized part of the enterprise in the form of CSK Leszno.
Presented as
Deferred tax assets 1,543,239 2,282,782 22,541
Deferred tax liability (575,026) (407,486) (3,536)
Total 968,213 1,875,296 19,005

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