As at 31 December 2019, the Bank was a defendant in 192 court cases (82 new cases in 2019, 26 of which began in the fourth quarter of 2019) (including cases validly completed clients issued 207 claims against the Bank), in which the Bank’s clients demanded to declare the annulment of mortgage loan agreements regarding foreign currency loans denominated in CHF, by determining that the Bank granted a loan in PLN without denomination to foreign currency, or compensation for the abuse of the subjective law by the Bank, including the principles of social coexistence, the fact of misleading the client, discontinuation of enforcement of the decision, as well as repayment of the spread. The Bank is not a party to any collective claim regarding these loans. The total value of claims pursued in the above cases as at December 31, 2019 amounts to PLN 49.37 million and for legally binding proceedings: PLN 30.66 million.
In 15 legally binding cases: 9 claims against the Bank have been dismissed; in 3 cases the proceedings were discontinued; in 1 case the court rejected the claim; in 1 case, despite the dismissal of the claim, the court’s justification annulled the contract, in 1 case only the claim for an insured low contribution was awarded (in the remaining scope the court dismissed the claim).
The Bank, on an ongoing basis, creates provisions for pending court proceedings the subject of which are denominated or foreign currency loans, taking into account the current state of final judgments in cases against the Bank and the emerging line of case law. In the fourth quarter of 2019 the Bank created provision of PLN 29.49 million for the CHF loans proceedings. The value of created provisions for proceedings regarding CHF loans as at 31 December 2019 was PLN 32.1 million. Provision for ongoing court cases is calculated on individual basis, provision for future proceedings is calculated on portfolio basis. For provision calculated on portfolio basis Bank evaluates the number of future court cases related to CHF credits based on number of documents requested from Bank by clients for lawsuit purposes and observed increase in the number of new cases. Bank, while calculating expected loss related to CHF credits legal risk applied an simplified approach due to short horizon of historical data available, and relatively small number of judgements received till date. Bank will, on an ongoing basis monitor increase in the number of documents requested by clients and number of new lawsuits and update evaluation of provision accordingly.
Bank carried out sensitivity analysis of the model used to the estimation of the number of future lawsuits. Change in the number of future lawsuit would have following impact on the amount of the Bank’s loss related to legal risk.
Parametr |
Scenario |
Impact on Bank’s loss due to legal risk |
Number of lawsuits |
20% |
PLN 3,842 thousand |
-20% |
PLN -3,842 thousand |
Additionally Bank evaluated, that if estimated number of future lawsuits is increased by lawsuits made by additional 1% of clients who have CHF mortgage credits Bank’s loss related to legal risk will increase by ca 7 mln PLN.
Bank carried out sensitivity analysis of the model used to estimation of the number of the unfavourable judgments. Change in this estimation would have following impact on the amount of the Bank’s loss related to legal risk.
Parametr |
Scenario |
Impact on Bank’s loss due to legal risk |
Percentage of lawsuits lost |
+5 p.p. |
PLN 8,590 thousand |
-5 p.p. |
PLN -8,590 thousand |
The Bank underlines there is a significant difference both for facts (especially different clauses of the agreements and scope of the information for the client), and courts’ decisions taken in Poland in cases relating to indexed, denominated and currency loans, which makes precise estimation of the risk even more challenging. The Bank on an ongoing basis analyses decisions taken by courts and will adjust level of provisions according to the emerging case-law.