Annual report 2019

19. Derivative financial instruments

Fair value of derivatives held by the Group is presented in the below table:

Trading derivatives Nominal value Fair value
31.12.2019 Assets Liabilities
Currency derivatives
Foreign Exchange Forward (FX Forward + NDF) 12,776,533 90,807 174,184
Currency Swap (FX Swap) 18,483,784 189,130 115,288
Currency Interest Rate Swaps (CIRS) 12,004,222 133,287 164,022
OTC currency options 2,277,986 26,273 43,701
Total currency derivatives 45,542,525 439,497 497,195
Interest rate derivatives:
Interest Rate Swap 36,811,673 345,936 303,640
Forward Rate Agreements (FRA) 5,500,000 122 346
OTC interest rate options 4,569,927 10,332 9,479
Total interest rate derivatives 46,881,600 356,390 313,465
Other derivatives
OTC options 221,292 4,999 4,977
Currency Spot (FX Spot) 2,450,189
Total other derivatives 2,671,481 4,999 4,977
Total trading derivatives 95,095,606 800,886 815,637
including: valued using models 95,095,606 800,886 815,637
Trading derivatives Nominal value Fair value
31.12.2018 Assets Liabilities
Currency derivatives
walutowe transakcje terminowe (FX Forward+NDF) 7,829,117 37,571 84,454
Currency Swap (FX Swap) 21,914,055 211,822 223,383
Currency Interest Rate Swaps (CIRS) 8,909,095 93,281 137,825
OTC currency options 3,580,893 46,682 51,434
Total currency derivatives 42,233,160 389,356 497,096
Interest rate derivatives
Interest Rate Swap 37,357,838 318,561 279,136
Forward Rate Agreements (FRA) 6,660,000 250
OTC interest rate options 1,747,257 1,177 1,181
Total interest rate derivatives 45,765,095 319,988 280,317
Other derivatives
OTC options 54,091 2,125 2,135
OTC commodity swaps 295,763 3,813 3,767
Currency Spot (FX Spot) 1,827,788 389 503
Total other derivatives 2,177,642 6,327 6,405
Total trading derivatives 90,175,897 715,671 783,818
including: valued using models 90,175,897 715,671 783,818


Fair value of derivatives by their maturity *

Fair value of asset Fair value of liabilities
31 grudnia 2019 Total > 1 month > 3 month > 1 year > 5 years Total > 1 month > 3 month > 1 year > 5 years
Trading derivatives
Currency derivatives
Foreign Exchange Forward 90,807 15,480 16,620 41,568 17,139 174,184 11,543 15,641 61,610 85,390
Currency Swap (FX Swap) 189,130 32,931 33,149 58,528 64,522 115,288 43,958 53,381 11,855 6,079 14
Currency Interest Rate 133,287 ,906 1,770 14,319 51 293 164,022 67,375 6,411 25,571 64,665
OTC currency options 26,273 2,176 3,581 13,832 6,684 43,701 4,915 5,460 24,417 8,909
Total currency 439,497 116,492 53,350 115,698 102,664 51,293 497,195 127,792 74,482 104,293 125,948 64,679
Interest rate derivatives
Interest Rate Swap 345,936 2,909 2,375 19,542 175,434 145,676 303,640 272 5,728 17,555 169,153 110,933
Forward Rate Agreements 122 122 346 243 103
OTC interest rate options 10,332 52 60 4,983 4,401 836 9,479 52 60 4,877 3,605 885
Total interest rate 356,390 2,961 2,435 24,647 179,835 146,512 313,465 324 5,788 22,675 172,860 111,818
Other derivatives
OTC commodity swaps 4,999 3,807 97 846 249 4,977 3,773 91 843 270
Total other derivatives: 4,999 3,807 97 846 249 4,977 3,773 91 843 270
Total trading derivatives: 800,886 123,261 55,882 141,191 282,748 197,804 815,637 131,889 80,361 127,811 299,079 176,497
* Financial data have been rounded and presented in PLN ‘000, and therefore, in some cases, the totals may not correspond exactly to the total sum.
Fair value of asset Fair value of liabilities
31.12.2018 Total > 1 month > 3 month > 1 year > 5 years Total > 1 month > 3 month > 1 year > 5 years
Trading derivatives
Currency derivatives
Foreign Exchange Forward 37,571 3,140 8,298 16,544 9,589 84,454 2,998 7,800 36,001 34,847 2,808
Currency Swap (FX Swap) 211,822 84,117 55,678 49,142 22,885 223,383 16,067 50,352 79,290 66,166 11,508
Currency Interest Rate 93,281 1,686 70,937 20,658 137,825 2,948 84,438 50,439
OTC currency options 46,682 2,207 4,510 8,100 23,416 8,449 51,434 2,279 5,081 9,744 25,573 8,757
Total currency derivatives 389,356 89,464 68,486 75,472 126,827 29,107 497,096 21,344 63,233 127,983 211,024 73,512
Interest rate derivatives
Interest Rate Swap 318,561 3,450 3,993 18,235 202,122 90,761 279,136 1,456 7,376 19,350 192,339 58,615
Forward Rate Agreements 250 250
OTC interest rate options 1,177 16 653 508 1,181 16 654 511
Total interest rate derivatives 319,988 3,450 3,993 18,501 202,775 91,269 280,317 1,456 7,376 19,366 192,993 59,126
Other  derivatives
OTC options 2,125 2,125 2,135 2 135
OTC commodity swaps 3,813 1,849 979 851 134 3,767 1,813 958 862 134
Currency Spot (FX Spot) 389 389 503 503
Total other derivatives: 6,327 2,238 979 2,976 134 6,405 2,316 958 2,997 134
Total trading derivatives: 715,671 95,152 73,458 96,949 329,736 120,376 783,818 25,116 71,567 150,346 404,151 132,638
* Financial data have been rounded and presented in PLN ‘000, and therefore, in some cases, the totals may not correspond exactly to the total sum.


Maturity dates:

  • for NDF, FX forward, FX swap, currency options and indexes, IRS, CIRS calculated as a difference in days between the transaction maturity date and the balance sheet date
  • for FX spot, FRA, securities to be issued/received calculated as a difference in days between the transaction currency date and the balance sheet date

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