The Bank places a strong focus on identification and assessment of the factors that trigger its present exposure to operational risk in relation to banking products. It is the Bank’s objective to reduce the operational risk level through improvement of its internal processes as well as mitigating the risk inherent in the process of launching new products and services and outsourcing operations to third parties.
In accordance with the
“The Operational Risk Policy BNP Paribas Bank Polska S.A.”., operational risk analysis is aimed at acquiring an understanding of the interdependence between the risk generating factors and operational event types, and it is performed primarily with the objective to define the operational risk profile.
The operational risk profile is the assessment of materiality of the risk, which is understood as the scale and structure of the operational risk exposure, defining the degree of exposure to the operational risk (operational losses), within the structural dimensions selected by the Bank (key process areas) and the scale dimensions. Periodic assessment and review of the Bank’s operational risk profile is based on an analysis of the Bank’s current risk parameters, changes and risks occurring in the Bank’s environment, implementation of the business strategy, as well as the adequacy of the organisational structure and the effectiveness of the risk management and internal control system.
Keeping a track record of operational events enables efficient operational risk analysis and monitoring. The process of operational event recording is overseen by the Operational Risk Department, which is responsible for verification of the quality and completeness of data concerning operational events recorded in dedicated tools available to all organisational units of the Bank.