The result of impairment allowances on financial assets and provisions for contingent liabilities amounted to PLN -441,890 thousand in 2019, and its negative impact on the Group’s results was lower by PLN 115,792 thousand, i.e. by 20.8% y/y.
The factor negatively influencing the net impairment allowance on financial assets and provisions for contingent liabilities in 2019 and at the same time disturbing comparability with 2018 was the fact that loan portfolio significantly increased and the Group in 2018 recognized in profit or loss only two months of result on net impairment allowance on financial assets related to Core Business of RBPL acquired on 31 October 2018.
As a result of the acquisition of the Core Business of RBPL in 2018, an allowance due to expected credit losses (ECL) in the 12-month horizon for loans and advances to customers and amounts due from banks, with no impairment, was recognized in the total amount of PLN 238,897 thousand. Excluding ECL allowance, the net impairment allowance on financial assets and provisions for contingent liabilities would amount to PLN -318,785 thousand in 2018, and would be lower by PLN 123,105 as compared to 2019.
Considering the key operating segments*:
- the Retail and Business Banking segment recorded an increase in the negative balance of allowances by PLN 142,516 thousand y/y,
- SME Banking – increase by PLN 29,228 thousand y/y,
- Corporate Banking segment (including CIB) – decrease by PLN 28,637 thousand y/y.
In 2019, the Group concluded agreements regarding the sale of retail, SME and corporate loan portfolio. The gross book value of the portfolio amounted to PLN 447,953 thousand, the value of impairment allowances amounted to PLN 358,972 thousand. The contractual price for the sale of these portfolios has been set at PLN 114,396 thousand. The net effect on the Bank’s results from the sale of portfolios which amounted to PLN 25,414 thousand and is presented in Recognition and release of impairment allowances on loans and advances.
In 2018, the Group concluded agreements regarding the sale of a portfolio of loans from the retail portfolio and SMEs. The amount of receivables sold under agreements covered in a significant part by impairment allowances, or fully written-off, amounted to PLN 1,072,097 thousand (principal, interest and other side charges). The contractual price for the sale of these portfolios has been set at PLN 126,152 thousand. The net impact on the Bank’s result from the sale of portfolios amounted to PLN 30,436 thousand and is presented in the creation and derecognition of impairment allowance on loans and advances.
The cost of gross credit risk expressed as the ratio of net impairment allowances to average gross balance of loans and advances to customers, measured at amortized cost (calculated on the basis of balances at the end of the quarters) amounted to 0.59% in 2019 and improved by 37 bps in comparison to 2018 (0.96%). Excluding an additional allowance in 2018 due to expected credit losses in the 12-month horizon, the cost of gross credit risk would be amount to 0.55%, i.e. on the level comparable to 2019. The ratio without taking into account the impact of portfolio sales would be 0.62% for 2019 and 0.60% for 2018 (without ECL).
*Information based on the note on operational segments included in the Consolidated financial statements of the BNP Paribas Bank Polska S.A. Capital Group for the year ended 31 December 2019