Annual report 2019

Apiary under the stars

The importance of bees to humans and the environment cannot be overestimated.

About 2/3 of our food depends on bees and other pollinating insects. As the Bank of Green Changes, we care about a sustainable urban ecosystem and our bee friends.

Since June 2017 honeybees have been living in 3 beehives on the roof of the Bank’s Warsaw Kasprzaka Headquarters. In 2019, we decided to enlarge our apiary. Six bee houses were built near our Ruda Śląska Operations Center. Currently, about 450,000 bees live in BNP Paribas’ nine beehives. Under the watchful eye of Pszczelarium – the apiary’s guardian – they work hard everyday, contributing to the production of our food.

They have produced nearly 250 kilograms of honey since 2017. Warsaw honeys are unique and diverse blends of flavours: acacia-chestnut, rapeseed and chestnut-maple. We also obtained linden honey in Ruda Śląska.


beehives in Apiary under the stars


bees in the care of Bank BNP Paribas

250 kg

of honey produced in our apiary since 2017

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