Our goal is to support clients who own sustainable businesses and aim to limit the negative impact of operations on the natural environment. Currently, in the face of the growing threat of droughts around the world, the financing of responsible agricultural investments in irrigation is becoming an important element of our business operations. Saltwater accounts for almost 97% of the world’s water resources. There is a shortage of fresh water, the irrational use of which, combined with the more frequent droughts, can lead to the depletion of this valuable resource and lack of water, e.g. for irrigation. This should be countered by investing in smart irrigation. The use of supplementary irrigation in the appropriate vegetation period guarantees production profitability and operational security of a farm over several years.
In September 2019, we launched a marketing campaign (combined with an information and education campaign) devoted to loans for farmers who plan investments in irrigation systems. One of the aims was to emphasise the importance of caring for water resources. Partners were incited to a campaign on the rational management of water resources in agriculture, thus increasing the reach of the initiative.
In 2019, farmers who plan to invest in irrigation systems had access to many financing options at our Bank:
- Unia+ Loan for farms,
- Preferential Loan (RR line),
- Agro Progres Loan,
- Leasing Loan (European and regular).
Find out more at the Bank’s website.